Panic Attack

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Joshua suddenly snaps out of his day dream.

Realizing that he's crying on Tyler's roof.

But he's not alone.

"Shhh, breathe"

the other voice cooed "it's okay, you're okay. Slow, deep breaths"

Everything around Josh was coming into focus now.

No, he wasn't kissing Tyler inside his bedroom.

He was having a panic attack... on Tyler's roof.

Josh managed to slow down his breathing as the other person rubbed small circles onto his back, hushing him to relax.

"You okay Joshie"


Oh shi- Tyler


Josh was buried in the other person embrace, unable to move from their arms.

So instead he looked up, locking eyes with the beautiful man.

"Yah J?"

Tyler relaxed now, feeling better knowing Josh was okay.

He was still curious as to why Josh was not okay in the first place, and on his roof

"What happened?"

Josh asked, blinking and letting the last few run away tears escape his eyes and fall down his cheek.

"M not so sure, one minute I heard knocking on my window, the next I heard crying. I opened my blinds and saw you in a ball, when I opened my window and questioned you, you didn't respond. I started getting worried and jumped out my window to comfort you. Now we're here. Laying down on my roof looking at the stars. It's raining a little ya know?"

Josh just hummed in response


Josh looked up at Tyler, Tyler didn't move.

He kept his eyes glued to the moon with a stern face

"What Ty"

he felt Tyler tense up

"You were mumbling things while unresponsive. What were you thinking? Did you come here to talk?"

Josh let out a shaky sigh.

Tears threatening to come back. But he took a deep breath and began explaining

"Yah, because I didn't want things weird or awkward between us. I haven't stopped thinking since this morning and when I was in my bedroom I couldn't stop thinking about how much I missed you, and the smoking and drinking together. The crazy fun nights and doing things out my comfort zone. But I mostly missed doing them with you. So I knew I had to come work this out between us"

Tyler stayed still, anxiety ate away at Josh.

His stomach feeling like it would hurl at any moment and his whole body visible shaking.

Saying he was terrified was an understatement right now.

"Josh, do you remember what I told you when you were crying"

Joshua shook his head, slightly unsure if he really did or not.

Tyler looked down at the blue hair boy in his arms

"You mumbled something about the kiss. That's when I hugged you and told you that it meant the world to me. It wasn't just the weed and alcohol. I've been so worried that it was just you intoxicated that night, so I avoided this conversation. But I suppose some things are better being talked about"

by the time Tyler was done, Josh was already biting his lip so a sob wouldn't escape.

Tyler noticed this how ever and pulled the boy in closer.

Once again hushing him, rubbing his back.

But this time he did something a little different.

"It's okay baby, I got you"

planting a light kiss to the top of Joshua's head.

"Let's go inside and sleep. We have the project to start tomorrow after school"

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