Holding Onto You

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Josh gulped hard

Tyler was holding his hand as they walked, gently swinging their arms back and forth

Tyler hummed in response to the boy

"What are you doing?"

Josh asked, he was curious, yes, but the words were laced with something of almost anger

"Uh, holding your hand? Walking?"

Tyler furrowed his brows as he looked at Josh with a toothy grin

"No Tyler, stop. Is this some kind of sick joke you're playing? Now that you know I like you"

Josh slipped his hand away, crossing his arms and looking at the ground while they walked

"Josh, what? Don't be silly"

Tyler stopped, putting his hands on Joshua's shoulders. Trying to look the boy in the eyes

A sniffle came from the blue boy, Tyler completely turning to mush

He pulled Josh into him, Joshua trying not to cry into Tyler's shoulder, but Tyler just rubbed his back

"Shhh, Joshie. Why would you ever think that?"

Josh shrugged, grabbing onto Tyler's pale purple shirt.

He buried his face into the taller boys collar bone, although he was upset, he couldn't deny how good Tyler smelt

"Because, you call me Joshie and nicknames, you cling onto to me and hold my hand. Now you're bringing me back to 'our' house to do God knows what!"

Josh rambled on, Tyler running his fingers through his hair

"Woah woah, slow down. Josh, look-"

Tyler sighed, sitting down on the curb

"I really like you, okay? And ever since we kissed I can't control myself anymore, you drive me fucking mad. So I hold onto you and I kiss you and I call you nicknames"

Tyler sighed, rubbing his face in his hands.

Josh stood next to him, looking down at Tyler.

"So why don't I ask you out? Because, I want- I need it to be absolutely perfect. For both of us. So just roll with it? For now?"

It was silent for a while, Tyler losing hope

Until Josh slowed nodded, humming and patting Tyler's shoulder

"Mhm, come on babe. Let's go home"

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