Familiar Face

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I couldn't even bother sitting on my broken and dusty beige couch.

I just sat on the floor, sobbing into my knees, hugging my legs close to my chest.

I hate my parents, I hate my whole family.

They tore me away from Tyler, the one thing I ever wanted in life.

The only thing I want in my cloudy-sky life.

I wonder if he misses me, with his pretty drug filled head.

I miss him, so much.

I couldn't tell if the thudding was in my head or coming from the front door.

I stood up on my two weak feet and made by way, stumbling upstairs.

On the other side of the white ivory door stood a certain blue haired girl with a familiar face.

"Hal, what are you doing here?"

i was taken a bit off guard, running into Ashly was the last thing i expected.

"Joshua, I came to check on you. Just wondering what you were up to and hoping you'd come to the park with me? For a little while."

A cotton soft smile spread across my face, curiously looking over my shoulder.

"Ya, just give me a second. I've gotta grab my jacket... wait out here"

I quietly closed to the door and grabbed my jacket from the coat rack.

I ran down the steps and grabbed my phone from my room, back to the stair case as I walked to the door.

"Josh, who was at the door?"


"It was no one, Zack. I think it was a ding dong ditch- or uh.. knock and run?"

I couldn't help the weird awkward chuckle afterwards.

"Hmm.. in this part of town? That's weird. Must be the new neighbors kids. Where are you going?"

Zack sat on the couch, flipping through the TV channels. Probably looking for a sports show or whatever.

"Uhm, just kind of need to get out, its been awhile. But I'll be back before dark, and I can help you out with that assignment you've been having trouble with"

Zack smiled, clearly pleased with my answer, only a half lie.

"Mm, ok. See you later"

I slipped out the door, careful to make sure he didn't see Ashley.

We walked down the road for a while.

I didn't take my truck, I knew my parents would notice it missing, if I left it in the driveway I was sure they wouldn't check my room for me.

I barely left my room anyways.

We reached the bottom of the hill and turned right, comfortable with each other's silence.

All we needed was the sound of our feet hitting the ground, my shoes were getting worn out.

I should probably buy another pair soon.

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