Lost In Thought

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(Not edited)

Halsey ran around the corner, ducking under metal bars as she walked under the bleachers

"Took ya long enough! You guys ready to go jam out now?" Gee stood up, rubbing dust off his pants

Hal rolled her eyes, but nodded

The rest of the group stood up, walking out from under the bleachers

Tyler's hand slowly dropped from Joshua's lower back, slightly brushing over his bottom as they continued walking

Tyler crossing both his arms over each other

Halsey pushed open her garage door, the light flooding in, exposing the untouched instruments

Everyone became visibly jumpy and excited.

Josh and Ryan took a seat on the old sofa placed against the wall, talking back and forth as the rest of the group set up their instruments

Tyler stood by the micro phone, staring down the two boys who sat on the couch

He just wanted to go over there and hold Joshua. Placing soft kisses on his shoulder

Picturing Josh melting under his touch, trying to carry on the conversation with Ryan but much too distracted


Tyler snapped out of his thoughts, jumping and turning his head towards Brendon

"Ya ready? We're starting"

Tyler cleared his throat, shaking his head around "yah. Yah I'm ready. Let's go"

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