Ciggy Lovers

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(not edited. lowercase intended)

(I'm publishing a new chapter since the new album Trench just came out :)) enjoy, love y'all. Tell me wha your favorite song is)

jay left later that evening to go to his night job. josh decided to stay the night once again, only after he lied to his parents and told them he was staying at a girls house. i found it hilarious how excited they sounded when he said he was at a girls house when other parents probably would've flipped their shit.

we all sat in the basement. Zach was playing pool with Kris while Maddy sat on the sofa with Leena and Karson, fighting zombies on the ps4.

josh sat on my lap, laughing as the kids would scream every time they lost or hit each other with a ping pong ball.

My sister was a party lover just like me, her and Zach would invite a bunch of friends over and watch movies, playing music and just be wild.

It was a nice change of scenery from the usual, stale, boring, and depressing house.

it was a couple hours later and the sun had set.

i could hear my sisters music from my room upstairs. the young teenagers yelling and i assume illegally drinking. i didn't mind as long as they all got home safely, because come on, i did the same stuff.

josh sat on my lap, kissing my neck. i sipped on my beer, rubbing his hip with my free hand.

at one point we ended up on my bed, the radio turned off leaving my siblings music outside, laughter and screams as the only sound in the house.

i flipped us over, me on top of Josh. i connected our lips as he pressed our bodies together.

the kiss tasted like cheap beer, watermelon candies and sugar.

I don't think either of us minded though, it was comforting in a way. You probably wouldn't find that taste anywhere else then with each other.

i pulled away, only after Josh finally let me.

"do you want a smoke?"

Josh nodded hesitantly, he was still getting used to everything like this. I honestly can't believe he smoked pot before he even held a cigarette.

I held it between my fingers, pressing his lips against it as I lit it with my other hand.

"Inhale okay? You're probably going to cough the first time so don't breathe in too deep"

He nodded, sucking in the nicotine and immediately choking on it.

I tried to hold back my soft chuckle, shaking my head at the cute innocent boy.

"Try again?"

Josh pondered it for a moment before finally deciding to lean in again and try to get a drag off the cig with out coughing.

This time he was successful

"Aye, that's my boy. Good job"

A proud smile spread across his face, looking away as we sat on my window ledge.

I wrapped my warm arm around his cold torso, pulling him in closer towards me

"My boy. All mine"

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