Chapter 10 - "Ronnie, I can hear you pacing from downstairs."

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~ You're Undead to Me ~ Part Two ~

Ronnie's POV

"Dear Diary or Whatever,
So I'm not sure how to start this. I'm not a diary person. I guess I should start with who I am, though I'm not sure why. It's not like anyone's ever going to read this besides me. But, who knows? Maybe I could lose this hunk of junk one day and someone will need a name to return it to. I'm rambling, I know. Anyways, my name is Molly Chasseur. I know, the last names a mouth full. It's French, so what do you expect? Moving on. I'm currently 13 years old and the date is January 21, 1982. My dad is making me write in this stupid thing. Why you ask, imaginary person in my head? Because it's a family tradition. Lame, I know. But he did it. And apparently, everyone in our family before him did it too. Even grandma Sue, which is hard to believe. That woman is tough as nails. Her writing in a diary seems like a silly joke. So since my dad is forcing me to write in the stupid thing, I thought I might as well introduce myself. Still seems weird as to why I would, but father said I should. And what he says, goes. So, dad says I have to start training soon. I watched him train my brother Kit and my older sister Marie. My younger sister, Max, is too young to train. She's lucky. For now, at least. Training is not pretty at all. Dad's just like grandma Sue, except worse. But he said that since I'm a teenager now, I have to start. And I wish he was just talking about starting my period. But nope. Piling raging hormones and intense training on top of each other wouldn't have been my go-to teenage years. The stupidest part about training is he won't even tell me what I'm training for! As most people know, I'm not an athletic person. Not by a long shot. I'd rather stay home and eat food all day, but now he's going to force me to exercise. Is exercise a form of torture? It should be.

"Chasseur." I mumbled, furrowing my brows as I sat the journal on my bed. "Since when did mom have siblings?" I asked myself, staring at the journal.

She said something about an older sister named Marie. My middle name just so happens to be Marie. Coincidence? I think not. I wonder why mom never told us about her brother and sisters. That means I have aunts and an uncle. My dad is an only child, and I always thought mom was too, but it seems I was wrong.

I heard the doorbell ring, breaking my inner commentary. "Lucas! Get the door!" I yelled, grabbing all the journals, putting them back in the box. I quickly grabbed the box, sliding it under my bed. I saw the letter on my bed, making me let out a groan. I didn't have time to get the box back out, so I quickly put it in my bedside table drawer.

"Ronnie! Your favorite person in the world is here!" I heard Bonnie yell from downstairs.

I quickly walked out of my room, jogging down the stairs. "I thought you said my favorite person in my world was here." I said, pretending to look around the room. "I don't see Dean Winchester anywhere."

Bonnie let out a fake laugh. "So funny, Vera."

I raised a brow. "Vera? That's new. I like it."

"Really? I didn't even mean to say it."

"No, it's the worse nickname in the world." I sarcastically said. "Anyways I assume you want to talk about bikinis. By the way, I'm not going to wear one. Strictly shorts and a tank top for me."

Bonnie nodded, rolling her eyes. "Yep, Caroline's orders. We have to have the perfect bikini because--"

"It's a fundraiser for god sake." I cut her off, imitating the Forbes girl.


"What if we just skip it? It's not like they'll miss us." I suggested, crossing my arms.

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