006: whatta great christmas.

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"Hey, Chan, someone named 'Nasty Jun' texted you." Vernon calls, biting off a piece of churro as he stares at Chan's phone.

Chan ignored what the other said, too busy ripping open the present Seungkwan had given him minutes ago. The youngest of the three screams as he pulls the gift out of it's box. "You bought me a fucking track jacket?!" He scrambles to take off his crewneck, slipping on the jacket over his tanktop. "Yeehaw, bitches! Wait, isn't this like $80 from PacSun?"

"Uh..." Seungkwan coughs. "Hey, let's not talk about money; look what else I got you!"

"Matching track pants?!" Chan screams. "Dude! Dude..." Chan sniffs, looking at Seungkwan lovingly.

"Ew, don't get all mushy, Chan. You can do that with Jihoon or Vernon but not—" Seungkwan's unable to finish his sentence because Chan throws himself at Seungkwan. Chan wraps his arm around the male, crying happily into his neck.

Vernon sighs, staring at the two. Seungkwan tries to pry Chan off of him and it doesn't work. Moments later, Privacy is blasting throughout the living room and Chan pulls himself away from Seungkwan. Vernon tosses the younger his phone.

"Hello?" Chan answers, pushing Seungkwan's present towards him.

"Hey, babe?" Junhui replies. Chan cringes at the pet name. "Why do you keep calling me 'babe', 'baby', and 'bubba'?" Vernon and Seungkwan quickly look his way.

"Why not? You look like a baby, and you're younger than me,"

"Mmm... I don't, though." Vernon leans close enough until he's able to hear the other person.

"Mmm... You do. Does it make you uncomfortable?"

Chan bites his lower lip as he begins to smile. "Wouldn't say it makes me uncomfortable, it's just... it's a little too early, wouldn't you say so?" Vernon and Seungkwan exchange looks.

"Mmm... But it's cute and it fits you?"

"Then what am I supposed to call you?"

"Daddy would work." Chan can hear Junhui smirking and he rolls his eyes.

"I think that's way too sexual for someone like Chan," Vernon says. "Can you two like... fuck off?" Chan glances at his two friends. They throw their hands up in defense and both walk into the kitchen.

"Who were you talking to?"

"My friends, Vernon and Seungkwan."

"They sound cool."

Chan snorts, "They're losers." There's a muttered 'hey!' from the kitchen and Chan snickers. "Honestly, if I wanted you to meet them in order, I'd let you meet Vernon first, then Seungkwan, and then Jihoon."


"Vernon's more chill than the other two, Seungkwan's hard to handle at first, and Jihoon... let's just say it took him like ten years to fully open up to me."

"Oh. Yeah, that's understandable. Honestly, if I had to give you an order, it'd be... Mingyu, Wonwoo, then Hao. Hao's always a dick at first, and I don't want him to scare you off."

"But I'm sure your friends are great, though." They say at the same time, laughing after realizing.

"If I had met you sooner, you'd be one of the many people who I get gifts for."

"Do you not give gifts?"

Junhui hums, "No. Only for my parents and Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Minghao. Since my parents wanted to see J.Cole, I got them tickets, so it was mainly Won, Gyu, and Hao."

Chan chokes. "Your parents like J.Cole?"

"Yeah, and Kendrick Lamar. Just those two though, they get picky and so those are the only two artists they enjoy together."

"That's... wow. What'd they get you?"

"I wanted to live alone, so they bought me a loft apartment. They pay for it, so it works out." The two are silent for a while. Chan takes this time to make his way into the kitchen, walking in while Seungkwan and Vernon are feeding each other strawberries.

"Uh, am I missing out on something?"

"Huh?" Junhui answers, thinking Chan's talking to him. "Not you, Jun. Vernon and Seungkwan are who I'm talking to."

"Well," Vernon clasps his hands together. "Seungkwan thought it was a fun idea to do a love shot, but we can't touch your mother's alcohol without her being here so we found some strawberries in the fridge and yeah."

"That's not how it went." Seungkwan pauses. "Okay, yeah, that's how it went but it was Vernon's idea, not mine."

Chan sighs. "And I thought I was the young one here."

"Of course not," Vernon snickers. "You act thirty nine."

Chan sets his phone down and grips a chair. He lifts it into the air and Vernon screams, backing up into the wall with his hands up in front of him in horror.

"You hang around Jihoon too much," Seungkwan sighs. Chan sets the chair down and picks his phone back up. "Uh... You good, baby?" Junhui questions.

"Yeah, sorry, had to threaten Vernon with a chair."


"If you knew Jihoon, you'd understand." Junhui hums. "Ah... Babe, I have to go. I'm going to a party. I might call you. Also! you never said Merry Christmas back when I texted you..."

"Oh. Sorry, I think I was too busy screaming about the track suit Seungkwan bought me."

"Mmm," Junhui hums again. "Understandable. I'm gonna get ready, and, uh, I might call you if the party gets boring! Bye, baobei; Merry Christmas!"

"Yeah, Merry Christmas! Be careful," Junhui replies with an okay before hanging up. Chan sighs and shoves the phone into his pocket. "Let's go open more presents!" And he dashes into the living room.

i do not know why i' m updating so mICHXJJXXJJXim sorry this id a FLOP -'d iuts im jjsjjsj tjid isna FLOP I SHOULDNT HAVE DONE JUNCHAN BUT I LOVE JUNCHAN IMSMMSSMSM fuck

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