014: i had fun.

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"Seokmin's fucking hot," Minghao moans, plopping himself next to Junhui. "Like... How can a human be so hot?"

"You just met him today, and now you're whipped?" Junhui chuckles, staring at Chan's phone. "He's hot! And his voice is so nice!" Minghao exclaims, gripping Junhui's shoulders to shake him. Junhui pushes the younger's hands off of him, gripping his shoulders to shake him. "Then go get his dick!"

"He's eating," Minghao whispers. "I don't want to bother him." Junhui looks away shrugging. He wraps both of his arms around Chan, pulling him close and kissing his temple. "So, are you two like a thing now?"

Chan looks at Junhui and Junhui just looks at him. "Yeah," the older grins, cupping Chan's face. He pecks the younger and something gets thrown at him.

Junhui looks the way it was thrown from, finding Jihoon staring at him while pointing. Chan laughs and pushes Junhui's arms off of him. He stands up, then makes his way into the kitchen.

"Hungry?" Mr. Lee asks, looking at his son. He shows him a bowl of jjolmyeon his father hasn't seem to touch. Chan shrugs, "yeah, I'll take it." Chan walks to the dining table with the bowl where his mom seems to be talking with Seungkwan and Seokmin.

"Hey, babe." Chan smiles and sits next to his mother. She runs her hand through his hair as Chan tries to get some of the noodles onto his chopstick. "Aw, look at you. My baby's a sophomore who's turning sixteen in two months! Do you want a sweet sixteen?"

Chan looks at his mother in disgust. "Mom, no." Junhui walks towards him and sits down with a plate of fried rice. "I didn't know you eat this much." Junhui shrugs, shoving a spoonful into his mouth.

"So," Seungkwan starts. "You two official?" Chan and Junhui nod, taking a mouthful of food into their mouths. Mrs. Lee coos, then pauses. "Wait how long have you guys known each other?"

Chan stops shoving noodles in his mouth and chewing. He stares blankly ahead, then, he whispers, "a week" before shoving his face into his hands.

"That's okay," Mr. Lee says, putting his hand on his son's shoulder. "You're happy right?" Chan nods, pulling his hands away. "You'll live, then." Then, he walks away.

"Take a shot, Chan." His mother says, pouring him a shot of Patron. "Mom—" Chan tries but it's too late; Mrs. Lee was already shoving the glass towards him with a big grin. He groans as he takes it, quickly shoving it down before he continues with his noodles. Junhui is handed one, too.

It was almost nine now. Chan's spent the day pushing away shots from his mom but having to drink then anyways. He wasn't sure if his mom was drunk either because he hasn't seen her drink anything. Last time he drank with his parents, he found out his mother wasn't a light weight and could take her liquor better than his father. Which was crazy because she drank two to three bottles of soju by herself.

There wasn't much people in the house and nobody seemed drunk, just a little tipsy. Chan's dad, though, was already knocked out and Seungcheol had placed him into their room. It was then that Mrs. Lee pulled out the soju and made everyone take a shot.

Chan makes his way to the upstairs living room, trying to get to his mother. There, he finds her talking to Joshua's mother over some wine. He scrunches up his nose as he walks away. In the process, he bumps into Junhui.

"Hey babe," the older smiles. Chan takes his hands and leads him back downstairs. "Are you drunk?" While they sit down, Junhui shoves his face into Chan's neck. He hiccups. Chan groans, Mingyu plopping himself next to them.

"Junhui's fine; he just has the hiccups. Also, Joshua hasn't come near me since they came. I'm kinda mad about that," Mingyu grumbles, opening his can of soda. He takes a sip as Chan replies.

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