021: what a great day.

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"So... Is everyone ready? Gates open at like ten and I'm trynna find good parking." Seungcheol puts his hands on his hips, watching Chan walk down the stairs. Chan nods, and before he can say anything, Seungcheol's already speaking. "Jesus christ, Chan. Are you trying to show the whole world you're rich?" He tugs on Chan's shirt.

Chan slaps Seungcheol's hand, "It's fashion, sweaty. Learn it. Plus, I didn't choose my outfit, Jun did." He gestures to his boyfriend who was walking down the stairs. Seungcheol rolls his eyes.

"Balenciaga, Off White, Kappa, Gucci, and Vetements..." Seungcheol sighs. "You guys were made for each other." Chan blows the older a raspberry as Junhui stands besides him.

After a while, everyone is finally walking downstairs. Seokmin and Minghao exit the house first, then Seungkwan and Vernon follow. Once Seungcheol's finished helping Chan close and lock everything up, the rest of the group leave. Chan clings onto Junhui and follows him into the Range Rover. Jihoon and Soonyoung climb in after, sitting in the seats in front of them. A couple minutes pass before Seungcheol and Jeonghan climb in, too.

"So traffic's most likely is gonna be ass meaning I'm not gonna stop to find somewhere to eat. You dickheads good with that?" Seungcheol turns back to look at them.

"Call me a dickhead one more time and I'll smash your Corvette." Jihoon threatens. "Touch his Corvette and I'll cry my eyes out." Jihoon groans at Chan's statement. "Then I'll smash his Mustang."


"I hate both of you." Seungcheol grumbles under his breath. Jihoon blows a raspberry at him and Chan giggles into Junhui's chest.

"Baby boy," Junhui whispers. Chan blushes at the pet name and looks up at him. The older leans down and kisses his forehead. Chan cups his face and pulls it towards him, tilting his head slightly for better access to his lips. Junhui chuckles, kissing back and wrapping his arm around Chan's waist.

"Don't make me stop this car you horny teens! Making out in this car are for me and Jeonghan only."

"Too bad!" Soonyoung screeches, pulling Jihoon into a kiss. Seungcheol slams the breaks. "You're such a buzz kill! Look, we haven't even made it out the neighborhood!" Soonyoung pouts. Seungcheol rolls his eyes and continues driving.

About an hour and a half later, Seungcheol was paying about sixty bucks for front gate parking. Jeonghan was telling him that it was better to just get general parking but then Seungcheol just continued on about having to spend over a thousand bucks for everyone's Express Passes and that he should at least feel special for getting a closer parking. Jeonghan just shrugged it off and let his boyfriend do whatever. Once he's finished pulling up into a parking space (he also paid for Joshua's and Seokmin's so everything worked out), everyone climbs out. Junhui and Chan never let go of each other's hand though, as they were both clinging onto each other. Soonyoung also had to carry out Jihoon because the boy was dead asleep.

"So after we check in with the tickets, we can split up. Most of the rides are only like for seaters anyways." Jeonghan explains, handing everyone their prepaid ticket. Everyone nods and follows Seungcheol and Jeonghan. Junhui and Chan walk with their fingers intertwined, both on their phones. Junhui's the first to put it away, smiling down at his boyfriend. Chan looks up at him and blushes as he smiles back.

"Gross." Vernon comments.

"Beyond disgusting," Seungkwan adds in.

"Oh shut up! You two were deadass feeding each other strawberries in my house!" Chan retaliates. "You shut up! At least we don't make out right in public!"

"Babe, wait," Vernon pokes Seungkwan. "We do do that sometimes, though." Chan blows a raspberry at them both.

"Whats with you and blowing raspberries?" Junhui asks. Chan blows him one too, only for Junhui to lean in and lick his tongue.

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