030: thank you for coming.

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"Wow! I love a matching couple!" Seungkwan laughs, taking pictures of Junhui and Chan. The youngest of the trio rolls his eyes. He wasn't sure why Seungkwan was making such a huge fuss when all they were wearing was a Vetements hoodie.

"Wait, it's like... seventy degrees, so why are you guys wearing hoodies?" Jeonghan asks. He hands Chan a soda, the younger thanking him before opening the can.

"It's for the aesthetics," Junhui shrugs and wraps his arms around his boyfriend. "Plus, doesn't he look cute in my sweater?" He kisses his forehead and Chan hides his smile.

"Gross! Anyways, why are you talking Jeonghan?" Seungkwan scoffs. "On your birthday, your dick was practically out."

Jeonghan gasps, "It wasn't!"

"It kind of was," Chan agrees. "You wore lingerie with garters and flowers in them. You even had some taped to your nipples to cover them."

"Let's not bully Jeonghan," Seungcheol says, placing his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders. "We get he has issues, but it's okay. We still love you, Han."

Jihoon snorts, "You don't speak for ever—" Before he can finish, Jeonghan plants a nasty kiss on his forehead. Jihoon gags, as he walks away. Everyone walks away as well, Junhui hugging Chan tighter. Chan looks up at him and kisses his jaw.

Chan finally pulls away, happy with the fresh hickey that was on the older's neck. He intertwines their fingers and leads Junhui to get food. The younger grabs a plate and Junhui wraps his arms around him, Chan getting everything he wanted, which wasn't much. He ended up filling the rest of the plate with what Junhui wanted.

Junhui squeezes himself between Jihoon and Seungcheol, Chan sitting on his lap and opens the chopsticks. Both Jihoon and Seungcheol cough loudly and Chan looks at the both of then like they're insane. As they cough, they gesture for him to get off and Chan does, grumbling as he goes to sit on the other couch. Junhui frowns and follows.

Chan hands Junhui the plate and so he can open the chopsticks. As soon as Junhui takes them, the doorbell rings. Jihoon stands, saying he got it. Then, Kihyun and his friends walk in.

"Junhui?!" Hyunwoo screams, pointing at the male next to Chan.

"Hyunwoo?!" Junhui places the plate on Chan's lap before getting up and hugging his friend. Chan doesn't say anything, too busy shoving chow fun into his mouth as he watches.

"Wait, why are you here?" Hyunwoo asks. Junhui points to Chan, "He's kind of my boyfriend, you see."

"Don't you live in Maryland?" The walk away was they talk, Chan a bit shocked but shrugs it off anyways. He continues to eat his chow fun.

Hours passed and Chan's been taking gifts from family members and friends. He's thanked everyone that's given him a gift bag or envelop, making sure to shake the envelope to try to estimate how many bills were in it. He placed them all in the corner where his parents told him to, then greeting guests or talking with family. They all asked about his boyfriend, and he'd say he was there, but Chan didn't want to disturb him since he was catching up with an old friend. However, Chan was a bit jealous and angry he was being ignored, but figured two can play at that game.

So he settled himself next to Jihoon, laughing with his best friend as he normally would do. Soon, he forgot all about Junhui and just enjoyed talking to Jihoon as he always did. Soonyoung was also playing air hockey with Seungkwan in the other living room, so it wasn't much of a problem.

When Chan checked his phone, it was already 7:30 and suddenly the lights shut off. He figured they were doing the cake, and he was right. Everyone had their cameras out, some with flash and some without. His father and a trail of people walked out from the kitchen, singing happy birthday to the male. When they finished and stopped in front of Chan, he made a little wish before blowing the candles out. Everyone cheered and Jihoon got some of the frosting on his hands and wipes it all over Chan's face. Chan screams, wiping if off his face and onto Jihoon. Everyone's laughing and having a good time. He picks a strawberry off the cake before his mother goes to cut it.

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