031: it's felt like forever.

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It's been about three weeks since Junhui's left. They've managed to make things a lot better than the last time Junhui left. They talked more often, and Junhui would FaceTime Seungkwan to watch Chan's games. Chan thought it was a little romantic how he tried so hard to cheer him on through a screen.

Chan's favorite moment was probably when he was batting at an away game. The pitcher was someone who strikes him out often, pulling change ups almost everywhere, and even after remembering them, Chan couldn't hit. Or if he did it, he'd get out at first or second. His team never failed to win though, especially with Soonyoung and Jihoon on the team. It does make him sad that he wasn't a star player like his brother, but when he notices that Jihoon's weaknesses are the strengths he has, he feels better. Anyways, standing at third was Jihoon, second was Soonyoung, and first was Daniel. Chan would die just to get to first. He remembers how the pitcher threw the ball, and Chan was kind of confused how it wasn't some weird, crazy pitch. But he hit it anyways, way harder than he hit anyone one of those guy's balls. And as soon as it hit the metal bat, leaving that amazing pleasing sound, it hit the scoreboard. Then, even through the speaker of the phone, he heard Junhui cheering and the boy was taking off, the ball falling right to the ground.

Chan didn't exactly get home, but third was still pretty good. He felt better knowing Junhui saw it, anyways. After the game, Seungkwan and Vernon were congratulating him but Chan didn't care. He was too busy smiling his ass off from Junhui's non stop praises. He wasn't even listening to his parents that asked him where he wanted to eat.

Baseball season finished in a flash, and it meant school was ending soon. In fact, he had about three weeks left. He was nervous about finals and stuff, but Junhui told him he'd do fine. Junhui always told him he'd do fine, and Chan always does fine. Having that there was always a relief.

"Summer's starting soon, babe." Junhui grumbles out, turning on his bed. Chan hums. He wasn't really paying attention much since he was doing a project for his Japanese class. "Should I visit you again?"

"No," Chan speaks. He's finally listening. "I think I'll go to you."


"Can I bring my friends?"

"Sure, but who?"

Chan thinks, "Well, clearly Jihoon and Soonyoung. I might bring Seungcheol and Jeonghan. As well as Joshua because... you know. And I'd feel bad for leaving Seungkwan and Vernon out."

"Are you gonna bring Seokmin for Minghao?"

"Sure," Chan shrugs, dipping his paint brush into the soft pink paint. "Why not?"

"Baobei, what are you even doing? You've been mainly looking down."

"My project," the younger mumbles. "We have to paint our favorite thing that we learned about and create a three sentence description."

"What if you have no artistic skills?"

"Then it sucks to suck." Junhui chuckles at his boyfriend's words, ruffling his own hair in attempt to fix it up. He yawns loudly after and it startles the younger. He starts laughing and Chan huffs. "It's not funny! You could have made me make a mistake!" The younger whines. Junhui just hums though, still smiling in amusement.

A couple of hours passed by with them talking and Chan working hard on his painting of the Kinkaku-ji. Every time Junhui asked for a peak, the younger would literally just scream or how ugly and unfinished it was. At the end though, he did show the Chinese male. Junhui admitted how he wanted to punch Chan because it didn't look anywhere terrible as Chan said it was. Then proceeded on drowning the younger in compliments and love. It was so corny and almost too much for Chan to handle.

After a while, Chan stops working since he's almost finished and he had about a whole other week to do it. He sets it aside and grabs his phone, throwing himself on the couch.

"I'm tired," Chan yawns.

"Then sleep?" Chan shakes his head and yawns again. "Should I sing you the dream song again?" The younger laughs and shakes his head, remembering his first FaceTime call with the older.

"We've been together for four months now," Chan mumbles out. "I don't know, but it felt like it's been longer."

"Yeah, probably because we're so far from each other." Junhui sighs. He turns on his bed again. They don't say a word for a couple of minutes and when Junhui looks at the screen again, Chan's fallen asleep. He hears soft snoring and smiles to himself. "Sleep tight, baobei." He kisses the screen before hanging up.

short bc i needed to update!!!!!! its so dry omg

WHAT DO U GUYS WANT MORE OF FNDJS like im running out of ideas!!!!! do u want chan to go to maryland and theh go to the beach and fuck in the water or is that too kinky and it should be behind some rocks

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