032: exciting, but weird.

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"Hey, babe." Junhui smiles at his boyfriend. "Welcome to Maryland." Chan smiles back and lets go of his luggage. He wraps his arms around the taller and Junhui slightly lifts him up. The older kisses his jaw and lets his go.

"Hey—" Jeonghan tries but he's cut off by Minghao's shrieking as he ran into Seokmin's arms. Then he tries to speak again but Joshua's also screaming as he jumps into Mingyu's.

"Wow!" Wonwoo smiles, his hands on his waist. "I love being the only single heterosexual!"

"You pronounced homosexual wrong," Junhui states, and Wonwoo jabs him aggressively in the side. Junhui winces and grabs his side, falling over his boyfriend. Chan just blinks and pats the taller's back.

"Okay, can we get out the airport now?" Jihoon grumbles. "I'm kind of tired," Soonyoung nods in agreement, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Junhui nods and leads everyone out.

They get separated into three cars since Mingyu brought his own and the other two are owned by Junhui's parents. The ones driving were two of his chaperones. Junhui followed Chan into the second car, sliding into the back with him. The younger doesn't hesitate to lean his head on his shoulder.

"Junhui," Chan mumbles. "Are we all staying at your place?"

"Yeah," Junhui nods. "It's big enough."

About half an hour later, they were all pulling the luggage into a building and up to Junhui's large condo. Junhui's the last one to enter so he shuts the door after following Minghao inside. Everyone (besides the three that practically live there as well) are amazed. The view was amazing, the spacious living room was amazing, everything was amazing. Chan thought that the room was a lot better than he thought. When he turns around, he finds Junhui's large loft and gets a little excited.

"Okay, so I actually have three rooms. They're big and empty—I don't have beds in there. I can lay out some futons or we can go and purchase a couple of beds right now." Junhui explains, pointing to the hallway.

"Uh... we'll be fine with futons. We can probably fit more people in a room that way." Jeonghan says, everyone else nodding. Junhui nods before making Wonwoo showing them the rooms. The male groans before leading them away. Chan's about to follow, but Junhui grabs his arms.

"Babe, you're sleeping with me." Junhui says. He grabs his luggage and walks up the stairs of the loft. Chan follows.

"Jun, this place is huge and you're here by yourself? Don't you ever just get scared?" Chan asks. Junhui just hums, ignoring the question as he forces Chan onto the bed. He climbs over the younger. "I just got here—" Chan's ignored again, Junhui already leaning down to kiss him. Chan doesn't reject him, though. He wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him down to deepen it.

"Hey! Junhui!" Mingyu calls and the said male pulls away with a grumble. "You said you wanna hit the beach, right? Well we should get going now before it gets any hotter."

The Chinese male sighs and nods, pulling his boyfriend up. "Alright, tell everyone. If they need a duffle-bag or something, there's a couple in the closet." Junhui walks over to his closet and pulls out a Nike duffle bag. He then sits on the floor, taking out clothes. "Baobei, do you have swimming trunks?"

"Yeah, since you told me to back a couple of pairs. I told the other's too." Chan walks over and digs into his luggage for some clothes. Junhui tells him to put it in the bag and he does.

Half an hour pasts and everything's packed and into the cars. Junhui tells each driver the destination before hoping into a car. The drive to the beach isn't too long, and they were pretty lucky it wasn't packed. After parking, everyone climbs out and stretches. Mingyu runs off first, almost tripping as he makes his way down to the sand to choose a spot. Before going off to their own things, the drivers help them unpack and set stuff up which wasn't much. When they finished, Junhui told them they're off to do whatever until they wanted to leave.

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