019: thank you, i love you.

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Chan finds himself waking up at the most ungodly hour ever. His body feels slightly sore and in pain. He groans, trying to flip over so that he's a bit more comfortable. As he tries to desperately fall back asleep, he feels a cold hand touch his thigh. He flinches, his eyes quickly opening as he turns his head to face the culprit. Chan grabs a hold of Junhui's hand and pulls it out from under the blanket.

"Wen Junhui," Chan starts. "It's like three in the morning. You know what's awake at three in morning? Demons and people regretting their choices in life. Last time I checked, I was neither. Now let me go back to sleep." He tries to sound a bit more stern than usual but it doesn't seem like it intimidates Junhui. Instead, the older just pulls his boyfriend closer after getting his hand free.

"I leave in three days, baobei." Junhui mumbles against Chan's neck. "I'm trying to hold you and touch you as much as I can before I leave."

"Well, I'm just trying to sleep."

"Wait, babe," Junhui sits up, pulling Chan along with him. The younger throws his head back and groans. Suddenly, Junhui's pushing the blanket off and feeling Chan's thighs. "Chan, stand up off the bed." Said male doesn't move but Junhui pushing him slightly gets him off the bed with more groans. Chan stands by the bed, praying that at some point, Junhui will let him go back to sleep.

"Lift your shirt," Chan does as told.

Junhui gestures for him to spin, and he does. The older whistles and grabs his hand to pull him back onto the bed. "Babe, you're like... really fucking thick."

Pouting, Chan looks down. He gropes his thighs. "Is that a bad thing? I never liked how big my thighs were and I hated the stretch—"

"Baobei," Junhui grabs both of his hands. "You're fucking hot as hell, shut the fuck up. Literally, I'd thigh fuck the shit out of you." He looks down at the stretch marks that are illuminated by the string lights on the headboard and wall, as well as the ones that were on the railings of the loft. Junhui runs his fingers over one of them and pulls the younger into a tight hug.

"Lee Chan, I know I haven't known you for a long time, but I think you're like the only person I've been truly in love with. You can literally think you are the ugliest person on earth, but I will, with everything I could, show you that you are literally the most beautiful and lovable. I will love you with my all and I'm going to love you so fucking much, you have no choice to love yourself." Junhui stops himself when Chan's grip gets tighter and he can hear the young sniffling. He pushes him away. "Baby, what's wrong?" He wipes his tears.

"You and Jihoon are the only ones that have seen my thighs and stretch marks. Jihoon never says anything bad about them and just says to think of my thighs being the size of my heart. And then you come to me talking about all love and..." Chan slowly starts to sob. "I-I don't know... It just m-made me so emotional..."

Junhui smiles in relief, now being able to know he didn't say anything bad. Still smiling, presses soft kisses onto Chan's cheek. Then, he does it all over his face. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He laughs between each one. Once he's finished, he pulls the younger into another hug. The older lays down and pulls Chan down with him. Feeling a bit better, Chan shoves his face into Junhui's chest as the older throws the blanket over them.

"My baby, the most beautiful baby, deserves love and affection." Junhui mumbles into Chan's hair. "And as my baby's boyfriend, I have to give him all the love and affection in the universe."

Chan giggles, and looks up. Junhui looks down at him with a big smile on his face. The younger wraps his arm around his neck and kisses him. Junhui smiles and kisses back.


It's bright outside now. Chan's lights are off and his curtains are open. When he opens his eyes, he finds that he's facing the railing of his loft and the other's playing Mario Kart. He groans and sits up. The first to spot him is Joshua as he looked as if he was checking to see if Chan was awake. A smile comes across his lips as he opens his mouth.

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