026: why?

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junnie💗💗: baobei

junnie💗💗: baobei fuck


junnie💗💗: babe i need you to fucking answer

junnie💗💗: jesus christ BABE

junnie💗💗: LEE CHAN

junnie💗💗: baby it's saturday and it's like 9 am there

junnie💗💗: baby

Chan, panicking, quickly dries his hand and grabs his phone. He unlocks it and answers his boyfriend.

loml💕: what what's wrong fkfke i was cleaning my dish

junnie💗💗: there,, i went to a party last night

Chan raises a brow, leaning against the counter.

loml💕: okay,,

junnie💗💗: and i was shit drunk and idk i dont know what happened and mingyu said he had trouble finding me there were so many fucking people

junnie💗💗: oh my god baobei im so sorry

junnie💗💗: god i dont even know what happened but im so fucking sorry regardless

loml💕: ???? jun???

junnie💗💗: i??? woke up next to some girl she was naked and i only had my boxers on

junnie💗💗: i dont know if anything happened i dont know her i literally dotn know im dor sorry

jun: baobei im so fcuking sorkrt

jun: baobei ism sos sorry

jun: baobei pelase im sosrery

jun: i dont know if it even happened

jun: mingyu couldnt find me theres nothing on the both of us pleade baobei

jun: im not trying to lose you baobei

jun: baby, please

loml💕: junhui,, i'm,, i just need to calm down first, okay?

loml💕: and i'm not gonna excuse u just bc u were drunk

loml💕: i need to think about this

loml💕: and,, you need to figure out what happened

jun: fuck baobei

loml💕: calm,, down on calling me that

loml💕: please

loml💕: i have to,, calm down

jun: i love you so much i'm so sorry

loml💕: yeah but being drunk kind of shows who you really are

loml💕: i have to go

jun: i love you baobei i don't care i love you so much okay i'm so sorry i'm sorry

jun: i love you

jun: i love you and only you

jun: nobody else means anything i was stupid

jun: i should have never went

jun: i'm so sorry baobei

jun: i won't ever let go of you please

jun: i love you

jun: i love you

jun: please baobei i love you

jun: i love you

Shaking, Chan taps on the message box. With his breathing heavy, he texts back.

i'm an idiot: i love you too

i'm an idiot: i'll... i'll text you later just breathe for now

jun: i'm so sorry love

Chan bites his bottom lip, swiping the notification away. He breathes heavily, trying to calm himself down. Tears are flowing down his cheeks and he doesn't know what to do. He quickly wipes his face and runs up to his room. There, he looses it all, ignoring the constant dings coming from his phone. He grips his phone, covering his eyes as he cries as quietly as he can. However, a ringing scares him and he looks at it. It's Junhui.

"Jun, I s-said—"

"No, baobei," Junhui interrupts. Chan's heartaches at the pet name. "I can't... just leave you alone."

"I don't want to—"

"Baby, please, you're hurt and it's my fault. Let me do something for you." Chan bites his bottom lip. "I don't want to lose you... Baobei, please..." The younger's breath hitches and he shuts his eyes tight. He can hear Junhui trying to keep himself from crying out, and it makes Chan want to cry more.

"I haven't told Ji yet," Chan mutters. "If I told him... He'd be so angry with you. If you were here, god he and Cheol would tear you apart..."

"Tell him, then. If it shows you that I want to be with you, then do it. I don't care what happens to me, but I can't even forgive myself for this. I'm sorry, baobei." Junhui's voice cracks and Chan's in so much pain. "I don't want to lose you... I'm too in love with you..."

"Junhui!" There's a muffled voice in the back. "Jun, please get out the bathroom... I found out who the girl was; come on man."

"Mingyu, just... leave."

"Nothing happened, Jun." Chan's heart skips a beat. "It was the hosts sister. She said nothing happened. He showed us the tapes, nothing happened. You owe me five hundred, Jun."

"You're not playing?" Chan hears Junhui said. He sounds a bit more better than before.

"No," Mingyu continues. "I recorded it for you, too. From the looks of it, she was trying to get with you. Not sure how you got into the room though because you were constantly denying. Wouldn't that be something you'd remember?"

"Wh—Mingyu," Chan hears a door open. "You're not fucking with me?"

"N—Were you crying?"

"Answer me, Kim Mingyu!" Chan flinches at the sudden voice raise.

"Fuck! Okay, I'm not! God, here." It's silent, and Chan feels his stomach churn. He bites his bottom lip again.

"What the fuck," Junhui mumbles. "Isn't that your ex?" Mingyu asks. "That's Minghao's... ex."

"Hao was straight?"

"He had to realize he was gay somehow!" Junhui screeches. "Fuck, talk to Chan before I break your neck."

"Uh... Hello?" Mingyu sounds slightly frightened, and confused. Chan swallows, "Is... Is he okay?"

"Um... I don't know? When I heard about Hao's ex girlfriend, I heard she was insane and tried to kill Junhui. Wild, right? But now, she tried to fuck him which is... weird? I don't know why he's so upset, though. Wait, did he tell you?" Mingyu pauses. "Were you gonna leave him?!"

"No! No... I wasn't... I really wasn't."

"Mingyu, give me the phone." Junhui grumbles. He snatches the phone from Mingyu. "Hey, baobei, I'm sorry... I just—"

"Everything's fine, right?"

"Y-Yeah, I think so. I-I can make Mingyu go—"

"No... That's just too much. Calm down first, okay? We both need to breathe,"

"Please... call me later?"

Chan licks his bottom lip, "Of course."

i want to die
also im sorry for typos
also this book isnover sorry fjfooef iM I NCLASS

phone sex"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя