037: i'm happy with you.

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When Chan wakes up, his ass is throbbing and it's only six in the morning. He runs his hand down his face, yawning as he takes a look around. The male smiles, his eyes focusing on the male besides him. Chan leans down, kissing Junhui's forehead. Junhui fidgets a bit, but only to turn onto his side. Chan sighs before slowly crawling out of bed, trying to hold himself up with the railings. From there, he makes his way to the bathroom and cleans himself up.

As he brushes his teeth, he hears a groaning and peeks out the door. Junhui's awake, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. It doesn't take long before the he joins his boyfriend in the bathroom.

"How are you?" Junhui asks. He grabs his waist and kisses his forehead. Chan eases into his touch, leaning against Junhui's chest.

"I'm okay," The younger mumbles, still brushing. He grabs a tooth brush for Junhui from the cupboard. "It hurts, but I'll manage."

"Sorry," Junhui apologize. He takes the tooth brush and Chan giggles a bit, shaking his head. "You did nothing wrong." He spits out the tooth paste in his mouth and kisses the older's cheek. Junhui grimaces at the wet feeling on his cheek. Chan laughs and wipes it off. "I wanted it." He continues. He leans over, to clean his mouth and rinse it out. Purposely, he grinds against Junhui.

"Baobei," Junhui warns. Chan looks at him cluelessly. The Chinese male just rolls his eyes before brushing his teeth. After wiping his mouth, Chan walked out the bathroom and settled onto the couch.

"You know, after you fell asleep last night, Kihyun came in to talk to me." Chan says. He turns on the TV and flicks through the channels. "He said you begged him to talk to me? Like you got on your knees or something."

"Yeah." Chan blinks. He quickly turns to face his boyfriend, not expecting such a blunt answer. "You did?" He leans against the couch but winces and slowly sits back down.

"Yeah... I broke your heart but I really wanted to talk to you. I had to... show him I was sincere." Junhui explains. He rinses his mouth and joins Chan on the couch. "I really love you baby. I was just being an idiot then. I was scared of losing you later on, that I just had to do it then." Junhui lets out a sad laugh and Chan frowns, grabbing his boyfriend's hand. "I've been in plenty of relationships than you have, but you were the first person I really fell in love with. And even if I was your first, you were less scared than I was."

Chan sighs and sits properly on his ass. He leans against Junhui, still stroking his hand. "It's okay to be scared. Just trust yourself, and trust me, okay? I can tell you there were countless times where I was scared, but I trusted you. If I didn't, we wouldn't have made it this far." Junhui smiles softly, and kisses his forehead. "Can I be honest with you, though?" Junhui hums. "You aren't my first love. Jihoon is... or was. It was a mutual feeling, but... I didn't want to date him. He understood so of course it never happened. I was scared of things going bad if we broke up."

"I get that," Junhui nods. He places his hand on Chan's knee and massages it. "Mingyu and I got together for a while. I don't know if I was in love with him, it was in middle school which I know sounds insane, but... We only lasted two months. We fucked and kissed but... it didn't last. We agreed just to stay friends, and he's now my best friend, I guess. After we broke up, though, like four to five months, he got with Joshua."

"So they've been together for a while?" Chan asks. Junhui nods, "For the fucking longest."

"Has Wonwoo ever been in a relationship?"

"Wonwoo isn't attracted to anything, I think. Don't tell him I told you, but before he met you guys, we were his only friends. He liked to be alone and read and stuff. He got into trouble a lot with other students back in middle school and our freshman year. And then we saved him once, and he's just stuck to us."

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