008: i really wouldn't mind.

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Chan isn't sure how he should spend his day. He can't text Vernon or Seungkwan because they were on a date. Jihoon wasn't an option either because he should be asleep. So, out of boredom, he decides to text Junhui. This probably would be nice considering the fact that Junhui's always the one who texts and calls first. He grabs his phone from besides him and opens up iMessage. But then Chan thinks about surprising Junhui with a call. So he taps on Junhui's contact information and FaceTimes him. The person that answers, however, is not Junhui.

"Hello," The person's voice is deep and a little groggy. When the phone is focused on his face, Chan realizes it's one of Junhui's friends. If Chan remembers correctly, this one was Wonwoo. "Your name is Baobei, so I'm guessing you're Chan?"

"Yeah," Chan nods.

"Nu, take this—" There's another voice and Wonwoo is looking up. "Uh, no. I took Aleve earlier."

"This is specially for your hang over."

"You know Timothy right? Yeah, uh last time he gave me pills 'specially for my hangover', I threw up and his mom gave me this 'sra tnam' or whatever. That was disgusting,"

"Okay, first of all," Chan listens quietly to the conversation. "Timothy is fucking Cambodian; his mom was born and raised there. She was trying to help because it's literally... an alcoholic medicine, or some shit; it's the thing there. Second of all, I'm Chinese, and have no access to it. So if you were thinking that I'd be able to somehow pull it out of my asshole, Mingyu's asshole, or Jun's, you are stupid."

"Listen, Minghao—"

"Sorry, what? My ears don't seem to be working." Chan softly giggles at the reply and Wonwoo looks at him. "Anyways, uh... Junhui's baobe—"

There's a high pitched 'what' and the phone gets snatched. Chan's staring at someone else now, most likely Minghao. "You're Junhui's baobei?" Chan shrugs. "I have a fat ass headache... Move your fat feet, Wonwhore."

"Listen, you baboon, I will stick a fat dildo up your nose if you don't stop insulting me."

"I'd like—" A hand pulls Minghao's face back and the phone is taken. Chan smiles when Junhui's face comes into view. Junhui smiles back, "Hey, baobei."

As Chan opens his mouth to say hey back, there's a squeal. "Wen Junhui!" Junhui looks away from the screen. "What?"

"You can't just call random people 'baobei'. Mostly if you don't know them. He's—"

"Hao, shut up. You're gonna make me grow a tumor or something," Wonwoo interrupts. Chan stifles a laugh. "Wonwoo, did you know your mouth is as big as Mingyu's head?" There's a faint, "don't bring me into your gay debate!" in the back.

"Minghao, did you know your mouth should just stick to what's it's used to, which is sucking dick?"

"Wonwoo, did you know you should just shut up and mind your own business?"

"Minghao, did you know that you need to stop dick riding Junhui?"

"Ooh..." Junhui winces. "That's a good one, Woo." Chan can see Junhui lean over, and then he hears a slap. Probably Junhui giving Wonwoo a high five. "What happened, Hao? Your comebacks were a little weak,"

"Shut up, Junhui! At least I don't spend my time talking to a fucking five year old that lives halfway across the fucking country!" Chan bites his lip. "And you!" Chan watches Minghao grab Junhui's wrist so that he's in view. "You can let Junhui call you whatever you want but realize it won't fucking last."

Junhui shoves Minghao and pulls back his wrist. "God, Minghao, what's up your asshole?"

"Hm, probably just mad because you've been spending a lot of time talking to Chan and not Minghao." Wonwoo says in Korean. Chan doesn't address it, though being able to understand. "Hey—I... I'll call you later?"

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