Chapter 34: Sydney

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"Casey, I'm leaving!" Sydney announced as she walked out the front door, closing it behind her. She needed some fresh air.

Walking down the familiar dirt road of LeHorn, Sydney looked up at the sky. Two weeks had passed, and she was becoming comfortable with her surroundings. But, every so often, she would find herself looking up at the big blue ceiling that expanded over both regions and wondered what life would have been like if the attack never happened.

When she stared up at it, it made her feel at home; like she was back in Galdon with Jasper. No matter where I go, the sky is always the same. She liked to imagine Jasper was looking up the same time she was. She missed him and worried she may never see him again.

Sydney would go on walks like this when she needed time to breathe and just be herself. She enjoyed spending time with Casey, but there was always a side of her she had to keep hidden. There were moments when she really wanted to tell him who she was, but she never did. Her heart told her he wouldn't care that she was an Easterner, but her mind told her not to risk ruining what they had; whatever it was that they had.

She stopped walking when she spotted smoke in the distance. It was miles away, deep in the woods, but something about it didn't seem right. She and Casey had gone hunting everyday since Elena and Noah left, and they'd never come across others.

It had to be coming from a fire, but it was weak, like the fire had been put out.

Is someone camping out there?

Sydney was curious. If you're that close to a village, why stop there? Why not find a place to stay in town?

Taking one last puzzled look at the smoke, she kept walking. In front of O'Shay's, she saw two young children running around, playing a game. They seemed so happy and carefree; something she rarely felt in the Western Region, aside from moments she shared with Casey and his family.

Moving on, she wandered until she stood in front of a familiar wooded path; the one that led to the lake. She followed it all the way to the still body of water, taking in all of its serenity.

Her mind fluttered to the fading memory of her, Liz, and Jasper playing in the lake back in Galdon. Frustrated at the dulling of her memory, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

"I don't belong here," she sighed. "I belong with you guys."

The sound of a twig snapping instantly alerted Sydney, and she turned in the direction of the sound, her guard up.

You again?

"Sorry to startle you," the older man said, his smile unsettling. "I just thought I'd say hello."

Something about Victor didn't sit right with Sydney. She could tell his motives were anything but friendly.

"Hello," she replied, keeping her eyes on him at all times.

"You know," he started. "I'm not much of an eavesdropper...but what did you mean when you said you don't belong here?"

Way to go, Syd. You let the most suspicious person in LeHorn hear that.

"I'm just a little homesick," she shrugged, trying to lower his interest. Unfortunately, it seemed to only raise it.

"I see, and where is home for you, Sydney?"

The way he said her name made her cringe. It was rough and almost hateful.

"I really should be getting back to Casey, now," Sydney deflected, rushing past him.

"Casey, right. He's a good kid, but we both know you're going to leave, eventually. Don't you think he should know, too?"

Ignoring his words, no matter how truthfully they resonated in her, she hurried back. When she got to the house, the door was open.

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