Chapter 37: Casey

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"You should be more careful when choosing your company, Casey," Elder Maggie advised as her and the elders were leaving. "Some people don't see the snake until it's too late."

All Casey could do was nod his head, not sure how else to respond. When the elders were gone, his eyes flickered to the only uninvited guest that was left.

"Why are you still here?" Casey questioned, his voice tense.

He was taken aback by the sudden soft glaze that glossed over the older man's pale blue eyes.

"She wasn't just a friend, like you told me," he said, his tone sympathetic. "I knew it...but I hoped I was wrong."

"Just leave, Victor," Casey said, turning away from him.

The day started off so perfect, but now it's just sour.

"If there's one thing I wish were true, it'd be that one day you'll forget about her," Victor sighed. "But, you won't. I never did."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, eastern women have a way of leaving a lasting impression. Almost twenty years later...and I haven't forgotten her," Victor explained, a frustrated yet pained expression on his aging face.

His words sunk into Casey's mind, and he found himself wondering if the woman Victor was referring to was the reason he was the way he was.

"Just go," he said, pointing to his front door. "Please."

With one nod of the head, Victor left, closing the door behind him. Casey's eyes lingered on the door, replaying the moment just minutes before when Sydney walked out for good.

"Case, mate, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing," he answered, looking at the concerned face of his friend.

"I know, and that's the problem," Reid said with his arms crossed. "You're acting like an idiot."

"What?" Casey scoffed, looking at Marcus and Gordon for some kind of lifeline. The older men just looked lost, like they were unsure of how to react to everything that just happened.

"You heard me, Case," Reid pressed. "You're just going to let her go?"

"What else am I supposed to do?!" Casey defended. "She's been lying to me the whole time!"

"You're supposed to-"

"Reid, just drop it," Marcus interrupted.

"Thank you," Casey sighed in relief, about to say something else when his front door bursted open, again.

A broken and teary eyed Charlie stood in the doorway, blood all over his hands and clothes. He fell to his knees, looking like there was no strength left in him.

"Please," he begged, looking at the ground. "Please tell me Carli is here."

" should sit down," Casey suggested.

"Just answer my question!" he shouted, his broken voice matching his broken heart. "Is my daughter here?!"

"No," Reid answered. "They took her."

The grieving man collapsed against the hard floor, sobs pouring out of him. Guilt pulsed through Casey's veins as Bonnie's last words resurfaced in his mind.

"We'll get her back, Charlie," he said, determination in his voice.

"That's impossible," the man said, now looking up. "No one's ever known where to find their camp and no one's ever come back."

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