What If I Can't Forget You?

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"There's someone here to see you." he says.

Was it Trix? Who would possibly want to see me, I didn't have any friends besides her and I wouldn't blame her If she never talked to me again.

"Who?" I ask.

Then a boy appears at the door, Danny. Jason's brother, he was even worse. I scream.

"Get away from me!" I yell at him. Tony looks alarmed and immediately grabs his arm to drag him away from me.

I was now sobbing uncontrollably and Danny punches Tony sending him backwards.

He walks back into my room, with a knife.

"Tony!" I scream. "wake up! somebody, help me!" I choke out. I begin grabbing at random stuff and throwing it at him In an attempt to slow him down.

"Tony!" I scream out once more before I can feel the knife going into my side. I scream in pain before I hear a familiar voice, Tony's. I look around but can't see him.

"Violet," he says.

My eyes open suddenly as I realize it was all a nightmare. Tony, Vic, Jaime, and Mike all stood above me in a circle.

"Violet?" says Tony. "are you okay."

"I'm fine." I lie while shaking and sweating uncontrollably. I repeated it after getting my breathing under control. "I'm fine,"

"No your not." insists Vic. "you were screaming and throwing stuff in your sleep."

"What was your dream about?" asks Jaime softly.

"Nothing. I'm fine!" I insist.

"Violet," repeats Tony. "just tell us."

I sigh and give in.

"Danny, Jason's brother, came after me." I mumble. the boys look at each other in disbelief.

"He has a brother?" exclaims mike. I nod.

"Well, is he good, or..." Vic asks nervously.

"Worse." I say. "Jason is an angel compared to him." All four of the boys share the same worried expression.

"Well," says Tony. "what about a restraining order?" I think it over.

"Sounds good." I mumble.

"We'll all go over and get one tomorrow, not taking any more chances." states Vic.

"Okay..." mumbles Jaime.

I hesitantly stand up and walk downstairs still wearing my PJ's. I pour myself a bowl of fruit loops and add milk. I grab a spoon and sit down at the kitchen table. I turn on the TV just in time to see the morning news come on.

"The 3 suspects are still in the area," says the fake, plain voice of the news reporter. I change the channel cutting her off. I flip through a few more channels and see parts of an insurgence commercial, Mickey Mouse, Full house, Jurassic Park, before finally reaching, Dr.Phil.

"So," says Vic sitting next to me. "Me and the guys have been thinking, and we were wondering if you would like to come on tour with us. So we could keep you safe.And I'll talk to Trix's parents to see if she can come."

"Don't bother," I mumble. "me and Trix aren't friends anymore."

He looks disappointed but shrugs it off. "Okay, then any other friends you wanna invite?"

"I don't know, can I just have some time to think about it?" I ask.

"Sure." he says.

"Can I borrow your Keys?" I ask.

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