Violet's Mom- Part five

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AN- THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO _beautifully_broken_ (I think that's it)
Her comments always make me laugh and she's so nice. Please read her story and leave some nice comments because she's really great. <3

Vic's POV

Well that was...weird. I went out with a whiny bitch and ended up watching a screaming match between her and a criminal while I snuck outside. Should I have left? I don't know. I don't even know who was the good guy or bad guy here.

Addison/Violet had hit Cara....but Cara kind of deserved it. Okay, she really deserved it. But where were their parents? Who was controlling those kids?

Addison looked young, she couldn't have been much older then me. I know I could never have raised Mike like that, he's cool and all but I'm just not ready for that. I went home and looked through the phone book, I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing until it happened.

There we go, Addison Crawford, San Diego California.

I dialed the number the phone book gave me, "Hello?" asked a nervous voice after a few rings.

"Hey, it's Vic."

There was a pause. Then "Vic? Cara's...friend."

"Yeah..friend. Anyways, I don't really know what I'm doing, but I can't stop thinking about you and I just thought we could hang out sometime," I rambled on.

"No," she answered, her voice flat. "No thank you."

"No?" I repeated, it was all I could say when my heart was sinking.

"You just got out of a relationship, with my sister. Why don't we just go as friends?" she suggested.

I nodded slowly even though she couldn't see me. "Glen's Pizza, 5:00 tomorrow night?" I asked.

"I'll see you then," she said before hanging up. Something was seriously mysterious about her, and it really captivated me. I wanted so badly to be the one to get inside her mind and figure out who she really was. I wanted to be the guy to hold her tight and tell her it will all be okay. Please, please let me be that guy.

Addison's POV

What. In. The. Fuck. Did I really just agree to go for pizza with Cara's ex-boyfriend? First I slapped her now this. Great, now I'm a shooing for 'Worst Sister of the Year Award'

What if she finds out? I don't even want to imagine it. But I really liked Vic. It seems crazy but I wanted nothing more right now then to be with him. Instead I pulled on my black fake leather Walmart jacket and headed outside.

I walked downtown until I got to my usual street corner, I pulled out some fake gold necklaces and sold them for $180 a piece. I was really in the mood for a Chase, and luckily I got one.

"These are fake!" shouted an unhappy customer. I looked at him with fear so he wouldn't suspect I'd make a run for it. That way I get a head start.

I took off sprinting down the street, I knew this city like the back of my hand and I knew every escape for miles and miles. He chased after me as expected, slowly gaining. I climbed up the fire escape of an old hotel building and ducked in through the open hallway window.

I took off down the endless hallway as he followed, only as close as I allowed him too. Stupid person, I knew exactly what I was doing. I ran up into the elevator which closed right in front of him, I couldn't help but laugh as I patiently checked my phone. It had almost made it's way to the third floor, where I knew he'd be waiting.

Instead, I hit the emergency stop button and stepped onto the hand railing. I unscrewed the vent with my fingernail then climbed up onto the elevator. I grabbed one of the long metal bars and climbed to the top.

It took a minute to swing my legs up onto the ledge and open the door to the rooftop. After a few moments I was free, I climbed back down the fire escape and blended into the crowd.

"There she is!" shouted someone behind me. I turned to see the same guy chasing me from the street corner.

I began to run until I felt a strong pair of hands grab hold of me by the shoulders. I tried to let out a scream but he covered my mouth and pulled me into the alley. I looked up with terror in my eyes, only to see Vic holding me there. Only after the guy chasing me ran past the alley, I finally managed to speak.

"Don't you know how to get a girls attention," I muttered sarcastically.

"When am I going to stop saving you from dangerous men like that?" he asked.

"When I find something more exiting then a chase," I whispered, looking up into his big brown eyes.

"Well are we at least still on for pizza tomorrow?" he asked causing me to grin.

"I'll be there."

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