Tour Life

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"What?" I exclaim causing everyone on the bus to stop and look at me. "Why?"

"I-I-I got busted for drinking underage at a party." she sobs.

"Don't worry," I say firmly. "I'll be right there."

I hang up and go to the couch area where all the guys are.

"We have to go and pick up Trix." I say as casually as possible.

"Where is she?" asks Jaime.

"Jail." I mumble. everyone turns to look at me.

"She got pressured into drinking at a party and got caught." I mumble trying to make her sound as innocent as possible.

We drive over to the jail and after a few hours, Vic pays the bail and Trix is free.

Her cheeks are all puffy and red, without saying a word I give her a hug.

"No matter what," I say. "I will ALWAYS be here for you."

"I'm so sorry." she mumbles. "I was jealous and a jerk, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I say."if you didn't hit me, I never would have reunited with Austin." I step aside so Trix can look at Austin.

"Hello." she says. "I'm not usually like this ya' know." he laughs.

"I'm Austin, nice to meet you." He was shaking her hand.

Trix goes home and quickly packs her stuff. Her parents are never home so thay probably won't even notice her disappearance. we quickly get back on the road and drive quickly to make up the lost time.

I fall asleep quickly after a long day and soon wake up to muffled voices in the living-area.

"I know." says Trix's voice sharply. Then a long pause.

"No, I'm not going back." another pause.

"Well too bad, you just can't stand to see I'm happy now."


I walk out to meet Trix sitting on the couch.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"My mom." she mumbled. "she want me come home."

"Well are you?" I ask nervously.

"I wouldn't miss this tour for the world." she said smiling. I gave her a hug before we both went back to bed.

The next time I woke up it was 4:30 am. that's later than usual.I stretch and hop down off the bunk.

I grab some clothes from my bag and go into the bathroom. I quickly take a shower, get dressed, brush my hair and teeth before applying makeup.

When I finish I go back to the front of the bus where Vic is making breakfast.

He hands me a plate of pancakes and I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. tour life wasn't that bad, and I knew the guys where watching me 24/7 but I didn't really mind. besides, these are good pancakes.

We eventually arrived at our first stop. Los Angeles. Me, Austin, and Trix all got to explore while the guys set up for the show.

We wondered around aimlessly and watched people set up. We watched Of Mice And Men set up for a signing and followed around Falling In Reverse's merch girl for a while.

It was almost as fun before it even started. But soon enough, we got to see We the kings, Sleeping with Sirens, All time low perform.

I went to a bring me the horizon signing, drank 4 bottles of water, and finally got to hang out with Pierce The Veil as the signed autographs.

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