Violet's Mom- part 3

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Addy's POV
I lurched forward, letting out a scream. The same old nightmare waking me up every morning since the accident.

I sighed and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I pushed myself forward and walked to the kitchen well tying my long brown hair up using a pony tail from around my wrist. I grabbed some stale cereal from the cabinet and poured it into a off-white chipped bowl. We didn't have any milk so I ate it plain.

I got dressed in a red Fall Out Boy tank top, my black jacket, and black ripped skinny jeans. I brushed out my tangled hair and laced up my black vans. I locked the door and walked downtown. I smelled the warm 5:00 am San Diego morning air.

I had an hour before I had to make sure Cara got on the bus to school. I walked around, it was sunny and a little breezy, but good weather.
It was only 5:00 am so It wasn't exactly rush hour. I kept walking until I heard a distant scream, it was something I recognized, a scream of true terror.

I immediately picked up speed and raced around the corner. There was a woman, around 20, and a man dressed in all black. They where fighting over a coach purse.
"Stop!" I shouted. I ran to the scene but the robber didn't budge. Instead I could see his body slightly shake as he laughed. Of course he's laughing, I'm 5'1.

I brought my knee up into his chest, he leaned forward and I swung my fist at the left side of his face. He scrambled away, dropping the purse spilling lipstick, a wallet, and random junk everywhere.

"Thank you so much," said the woman. "I don't know what I'd do without you." I took a closer glance at her and noticed she was wearing black work out pants, a long sleeve black jacket, and black nike tennis shoes. She must've been coming from a morning workout or something.

"It's nothing," I insisted. "Anyone would've done it."

She shook her head. "Three people walked past before you came along."

I was shocked, why wouldn't someone help? Are they just better then everyone else's problems? What makes them so great? It made me sick.

"Well, it's over now. Anyways, I've got to run and get my sister for school." I said, turning to leave.

"Wait!" She called, scrambling for her wallet. She unzipped it and handed me three 20 dollar bills.

"This is $60!" I exclaimed.

She nodded. "I wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for you."

I paused for a second, waiting for her to change her mind. When I realized she wasn't going to, I was chocked. "Nobody's ever given me anything before." I mumbled.

She frowned. "It's yours dear, don't spend it all in one place."

I know $60 doesn't seem like much, but it's a lot to me. I finally felt like I had earned something, and not stolen it. I was proud.

I carefully tucked the bills into my pocket and walked home, wondering what I might spend it on. It was like I was a child, except I knew this money would have to go to groceries.

Responsibilities suck.

I made my way home to see Cara straightening her hair. She was wearing a tiny red skirt and a black crop top with the word 'love' written across the front in gold, cursive letters and black heels.

I shook my head, "Cara come on, you can't go to school in that."

"Why can't I?" She retorted.

She was really starting to piss me off. "Look, I've done a lot for you, ok? Can you just change?"

She laughed. "Just because your childhood is gone doesn't mean mine is. Fuck off."

I was shocked, "You listen to me!" I shouted. "When you get thrown out on your own with a bratty sister to take care of, then you can tell me to fuck off. You're under my roof, but If I catch you talking like that again you're gone. Hear me?"

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever," then she walked outside, but she didn't get on the bus, she got in a silver Mercedes parked outside. I could see there was two perky cheerleaders, blonde of course, and a brunette guy in a muscle tee was driving.

I decided to go to the store, I grabbed some quick groceries and picked up a new pair of old jeans on sale for $10.

I had an extra 20 dollars so I decided to get some new hair dye. I've wanted to dye the bottom part red but could never afford it. I wasn't exactly knowledgable on hair dye so I just grabbed some red dye off the shelf and checked out. I went back home and put it in my cracked bathroom cabinet for later.

I went back out to go sell some more fake necklaces, I made $180 that day in total. Who said crime doesn't pay? It does, just not enough to keep a teenage girl happy.

I walked home at about 7:30 pm and found Cara sitting on the beat up couch with a boy. The boy from the music place. Vic.

They both looked up from the show they where watching.

"Violet?" Asked Vic confused.

Cara laughed a bit. "No, it's just my stupid sister. Addison."

AN- Another bad day to end my bad week. Logged on a Wattpad with 47 notifications and 5K reads on this story. Thank you so much. <3

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