Violets Mom- Part 4

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AN- I know I like never usually give shoutouts but I had to give _beautifuly_ broken_ a shoutout for her story, "shutup, Luke"
It's the funniest and realist story I've ever read! Please if you have the time, check it out. Vic's POV

What was she doing here? She was the one I was trying to get out of my head, wasn't that why I had agreed to go out with Cara in the first place?

I looked from her, to Cara, back to her. Suddenly the resemblance was overwhelming. They where related.

"Hi, I'm Cara's sister." she smiled as if she had never met me before. Maybe this was just a different girl. No, it had to be her. It looked just like her.

Cara stared at me. "Are you going to say something or not?"

"I'm..I'm Vic." I stuttered, still shaken up by the Cara's sister- not Cara's sister thing.

She turned to leave the room and for a second I saw a bit of fear flash behind her eyes, that's when it all came together. She was scared.

She pretended not to know me obviously because Cara was here. She much be hiding something from her, like why she was at the record company last night or how she got past security. What was it she said again? Violet, because she operated at night and was small like a flower.

Addy was Cara's sister. Violet was a criminal.

Cara's POV

I waited impatiently as Vic and Ad's starred at each other. What was there problem? I rolled my eyes with frustration. "What was that?" I asked Vic.

It took him a second to zone back in and answer. "What was what?" he questioned.

"Don't play dumb with me. You where just starring at my sister." I snapped.

"What are you talking about? I just said hello." He said defensively.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're pathetic you know, they where right." I tried to think of every hurtful thing I could. My sister always ruins everything. I hate her.

He paused for a moment, "Who said that?"

I scoffed. "Everyone, they all know you're a loser. Why would I even think it was a good idea to agree to go out with you?"

He looked confused. "You asked me out."

I stood up. "Get out!" I screamed. I was sick of my sister ruining everything.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked, standing up as well.

"Just get out you stupid fag," I sneered.

He gave me a nasty look, grabbed his backpack, and opened the door. But before he could leave I heard the kitchen door swing open and Addison stormed in, an angry look clear on her face.

"What the fuck Cara?! Would you stop being so mean to the poor boy just because I said hello to him? I'm not the reason people break up with you, people break up with you for being a bitchy whore!" Shouted Addison.

I couldn't help the anger that was building up inside of me. "My fault?! You're the one that fucking killed our own dad!" I screamed.

I saw the shocked look on her face. She glanced to Vicm who shared the same shocked expression.

Without saying a word, she stepped forward and slapped me across the face. "Never talk to me like that again. Have you forgotten what he did to both of us? He was going to kill us if he didn't die then and you know that."

Then she walked away, I turned around to see that Vic was gone. I sat there alone. I felt bad, but I just...I couldn't help it when I got angry. Ever since Mom left...

No, shut up. You're fine.

Addison's POV

I couldn't contain my anger, how could she say that?! What happened to my little sister...? Without thinking, my hand shot forward and slapped her.

"Never talk to me like that again. Have you forgotten what he did to both of us? He was going to kill us if he didn't die then and you know that." I hissed.

Her face saddened, I looked up to see Vic was gone.

What did I do? I can't believe this. He's going to tell the cops I hit her and that I broke into the music place. My mind was racing and I ran into the kitchen. I glanced around the room.

I sat down and felt a tear roll down my cheek, what happened to the sweet little girl I used to know? Why does she hate me so much? Was it because I didn't give her the life she deserved? I'm doing the best I can. I could go to jail for the things I do to take care of her. She just doesn't get it, but neither do I really.

All I know is that she just suddenly changed one day, after all time doesn't change people, pain does.

I've had too much pain, and I was just desperate to numb it all out no matter the cost.

"I'm heading out Cara," I snapped, snatching my black leather jacket off the hook. Cara looked at me, but she didn't speak. Normally she hated when I left without explanation.

I stepped outside the apartment, then made my way outside into the warm San Diego air. It was a harsh place for a girl like me. A girl who has never known love.

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