Nobodys Hero

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I was now unpacking at the foster home. My roommate was a girl named Caitlyn who I was learning, didn't talk.

The room was simple. Two flimsy mattresses on the floor. An old table with names and cuss words scratched into it. An old, broken, wood chair. One old dresser most likely purchased at a garage sale it was so old and broken looking. It was dirty, and the kids where mean too.

I set my camera down on the table and began filming. That was my idea. I would Film a video twice a week for my fans and family.

I would have to edit the background so it would look like I wasn't in a total dump. I pressed record and smiled at the camera.

"Hi guys, Violet here. I'm doing okay, my roommate is a lot of fun. I'm working on some new songs to sing for you guys when I get back. I didn't do much today actually, just unpacked, found my way around, made a few friends. Thank you for all the letters you guys have sent. I read as much as I can and I'm planning on reading the rest tonight. I don't know where I would be without you guys. Love you all!" I turned the camera off and pulled my laptop out from my suitcase. I transferred the video, edited the background and played with the lights a bit, then uploaded it to youtube.

I was aware that a lot of it was a lie, but I just didn't want anybody worrying about me.

Then I went on twitter, and told everybody my account name and that I had uploaded the video.

I closed my laptop and turned around to see Caitlyn starring at me.

"Umm, I'm making videos for my fans, friends, and family To watch." I said.

She kept looking at me as if she wanted me to explain more.

"I have fans because I'm in a band with my friends. It was called Darkness Falls, I'm Violet Fuentes."

She looked as if she had heard of me, but hadn't quit listened to our music or was a fan. But then she squinted her eyes at me. She knows that I lied.

"I know I lied, I just don't want people to worry. I'm not worth worrying about."

She nodded and left the room. "Awkward." I said to myself.

I decided to go outside. I used to live in San Deigo so I know where stuff is. I could always go down the street to the gas station and get something to eat. There was nothing to eat here.

I was about to leave when outside when I heard a loud deep voice yell, "hey new girl!" I turned around to see a tall guy, around Austin's height. He had brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. "Where do you think you're going?"

I didn't tell him I was going to get food because he would want it. And he was obviously strong enough to take it.

"Answer me!" He yelled.

"I'm going to go visit my old house." I lied.

"Pathetic." He spit at me. "Let it go, they don't want you."

I remember what CC said, "if anybody says anything, punch them in the mouth for me."

What would Trix do? What would Andy do? What should I do?

"You're wrong. Not everybody here is like you. I have a family, I have fans. I will be back on stage making millions soon an you'll always be a pathetic loser that nobody even loved." I immediately regretted what I had said.

He grabbed me and threw me onto the ground. He kicked me in the side which felt like fire since I still had 3 broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken ankle. I couldn't help but scream out in pain. He laughed and his friends joined in. My whole head hurt and my body was screaming in pain.

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