Violets Army

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AN~ okay! before I start, bringme_the_turtles is going to be Tonys girlfriend. Follow her and read her stuff. Okay, thanks for reading.

Vic looked at me, then the man.

"Danny?" He mouthed. I closed my eyes and nodded.

At this point I was pretty much ready for death. I knew the police never found him but I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to show up here.

Then dad did something I would never forget. He jumped over the table and tackled Danny.

Now I understand that this is what most dads would do in the same circumstance, even though I'm pretty sure this kind of thing only happens to me, but my dad was short. But hey, I guess it doesn't matter how big or small you are, people do crazy things to protect the ones they love.

"Don't you ever come near my daughter you hear me?! How dare you hurt her!!" Dad yelled.

Danny threw a few punches which dad returned. I couldn't move, I was frozen there on the spot. Soon security arrived on the scene. Pulling dad off and restraining Danny. But not before he could turn to me and say something I'd never forget.

"You're so stupid. Don't you remember? Go to the meeting tree." He said.

Austin grabbed my arm forcing me to look at him. "Don't." He ordered.

"Shut up," said Danny. "Of course she'll go, that is, if she wants her precious boyfriend again."

"Alex." I whispered.

Security took him away and called the police. I quickly called the hospital I knew Alex was staying at.

"Hello?" Asked a tired voice.

"Yes, I'm calling about Alex Trumain. Is he still there?" I asked.

"Trumain? He was released just a few hours ago." She says.

"Alright. Thanks, I'll give him a call." I said quickly hanging up. I called Alex and impatiently waited. No answer. I called again with no luck.

Maddie came up to me. "You're not thinking about going are you? Just send the police to go, they'll get Alex." She assures me.

"No, it has to be me." I say. She looks at me worriedly.

"Trust me, I am not afraid of him." I say. I finish off the day walking around, taking pictures with people and signing things. Don't get me wrong, I love meeting fans. But I was relieved to go back to the bus, I just wanted this day to be over.

I walked onto the bus. I could hear laughing coming from the back. I walked towards the noise to see Tony...with a girl.

"Oh hey Violet, how was the signing?" He asks casually.

"Umm..good." I say still unsure about the girl.

"Okay, well Violet, this is Ana." He says. "My girlfriend."

I smiled, she seemed nice enough. Brown hair, brown eyes. I'm glad Tony was having a good day because I sure as hell, was not. I couldn't stop thinking about what Danny said.

"I'm happy for you," I mumbled. "Well, I'm going to go." I said walking off the bus.

I knew exactly where I was going. I knocked on the door if the big bus. Ashley opened it.

"Hey Violet. What are you doing here?" He asked

"Is Andy here?" I asked.

"Yea, Andy!!" Yelled Ashley.

Andy walked into sight. "Oh hey Violet, what do you need?" He asked is his deep voice.

"Umm, Danny's back." I mumbled.

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