Stay Away From My Friends

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I woke up on the couch. I pulled out my cell phone and checked the time, 4:19 am. I also had 17 missed calls from Alex. I decided to check twitter and found many people were wondering where Alex was.

@pierce_horizon_brides: "@pierce_the_violet so are you and Alex like..a thing?"

Not anymore, I thought to myself.

@MCR_isnotdead: "@pierce_the_violet u r so lucky..Alex is HOT!!!"

I wouldn't say lucky...

@i_like_bands: "@pierce_the_violet you and Alex are so cute together. I'm jelly."

Trust me, you're not jealous

@emo_4_life: "....Alex...❤️❤️❤️"


To clear things up I wrote a new tweet.

@pierce_the_violet: "Alex and I are aren't together..but I don't think I was meant for a relationship anyways."

Instantly I had lots of replies.

@freak_of_nature4: "@pierce_the_violet what happened?!"

Oh nothing, he was just a filthy cheater.

@kellic_is_real94: "@pierce_the_violet did he die?"

Well that escalated quickly

@BVB_forever613: "@pierce_the_violet is he still part of the band?"

I'm not sure...

I decided to write yet another tweet.

@pierce_the_violet: "okay, he's not dead. I'm not sure if he'll rejoin the band but I promise I'll tell you when I find out. 😉😘"

I then quickly logged of twitter and went to go wake up Trix.

"TRIX WAKE UP!!!!" I yelled. She jumped up smacking her head on the bunk above her .

"Oww, what is it?" She asked rubbing her head.

"I'm bored." I said.

At first she didn't reply, but she eventually got out if bed and I followed her to Jaimie's bunk.

"JAIME WAKE UP!!" She yelled. He jumped up clumsily hitting his head just as Trix had.

"What?!" He asked angrily.

"We're bored." We said in unison.

"Go bother Vic." He said.

We walked to Vic's bunk.

"Daaaddddd." I whisper yelled.

"What Violet?" He asks sitting up.

"I'm bored." I say sweetly.

"Go bother Jaime." He says.

"But he told us to come bother you," I say.

"Then go hit Jaime really hard for me," he says.

"Mr. Fuentes," speaks up Trix. "Having kids do your dirty work for you..shame."

He laughs and stands up.

"Can you make us food?" I ask. Trix nods in agreement.

He stretches and nods. "Sure, only if the two of you spend a little time trying to talk to a few of your fans." He says.

"I already did this morning, they all just want to know about Alex." I say.

"I'm sure You have plenty of fans that don't just care about where Alex is." He says.

"Okay, we'll go talk to them. I have an idea." Says Trix.

I follow her to the back of the bus where she pulls out her laptop. We sit on the couch together and she types in wattpad.

"What's wattpad?" I ask her. She smiles.

"It's a website where people write stories and creepy fanfics." She explains.

I nod. "Do you think there's any fan fics about us?" I ask.

"Let's find out." She says, typing Violet Fuentes into the search bar.

There was loads of stories. She clicked on one titled The Reckless And The Brave and read the description out loud.

Violet Fuentes is Vic Fuentes' daughter. Staying up all night at parties and breaking all the rules well her dad is away at tour. She was a heartbreaker, lone rider, cool rock stars daughter...until Everything changes.

After a few years of being left alone Violet had grown to hate her father, she couldn't understand why his fans loved him so much. Until she falls for a boy..who just so happened to be the biggest Pierce TheVeil fan in the world.

Can this mysterious boy fix her relationship with her dad and help her to find herself as somebody else then the rebellious daughter of Vic Fuentes or will he destroy her once and for all?

"Wow." I say, "parties? Heartbreaker? More like lazy, internet obsessed emo kid."

Trix laughs. "Oh Violet, you're such an underachiever." She says.

"Oh yea..and where's your fanfics then?" I say shutting her up. "That's what I thought."

"Violet! Trix! Foods ready." Yells dad.

We rush to the front of the bus to see two bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Wow dad," I say sarcastically "You really out did yourself this time."

"So did you find any fans who didn't just care about Alex?" Asks Dad.

Me and Trix nod.

"Dad?" I say. "Did you know that kids think I'm a partying rebellious heartbreaker?"

He laughs. "Over my dead body."

"Trust me, she can't break hearts. The only thing she can break is a nail." Says Trix.

Is smack her arm.

"Just kidding." She says defensively.

"That's what I thought." I say taking a bite of cereal.

Just then my phone started ringing in my pocket. Without checking who it was I answered.

"Hello this is Violet." I said my voice flat.

"Violet? This is Alex. Before you hang up, there's something I need to tell you." He says.

"What is it?" I ask impatiently.

"I'm..I'm..I'm in the hospital." He says.

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