Violet's Mom- part 6

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Vic's POV

I waited at the pizza place for 17 minutes before Addison finally showed up. She took off her jacket and placed it down next to her before sitting across from me in the booth. She ordered a rootbeer, and I got a Pepsi, and we both shared a pepperoni pizza.

She sipped from her soda as we talked about music which was something we both had in common. She loved music, and so did I. I was really into the post hardcore alternative stuff and she was into anything with passion and meaning.

"Kiss or Motley Crüe?" he asked.

"Kiss," she answered as if it was obvious.

I laughed. "What's wrong with Motley Crüe?"

"The real question is what's wrong with you? Kiss obviously wins," she said.

I decided not to fight her further on the matter, instead I grabbed another piece of pizza. Eventually our first pizza date was over and she was pulling out her wallet to pay.

"No. Don't be silly I can pay," I told her.

She blushed for some reason and out her wallet back as we waited for the waiter to return with my credit card.

"What am I doing? You're my sisters ex," she said.

"Well then look at it as if I didn't ask Addy. I asked Violet, I said.

She shrugged. "But she'll find out eventually,"

"They'll never take us alive," I mumbled.

"But you don't even know me," she said.

"True, but I want too. And besides, there's something special. I know you can feel it too." I said.

God I sounded crazy, I was probably creeping her out.

Addison's POV

The pizza date was a lot of fun, and soon enough I found myself smiling and laughing. Really smiling. Eventually I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"What am I doing? You're my sisters ex," I said.

"Well then look at it as if I didn't ask Addy. I asked Violet." He said. I have to admit that made me feel a little better.

I just shrugged. "But she'll find out eventually." Cara used to be so great, and now she got so mean. But I guess I'm no better. Then again I really liked Vic and she was just using him. No, I'm being a horrible sister.

"They'll never take us alive," he mumbled. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes again. Maybe so, but why am I risking all this for some guy I just met? He's probably just using me, he's going to blackmail me because he knows something's up. I know Vic wouldn't do that, but there will always be a little seed of doubt in me that makes it impossible to trust.

"But you don't even know me," I finally said.

"True, But I want too," he said causing me too blush. Nobody's ever really wanted to get to know me before. Why would they now? Especially someone who already knows there must be something wrong with me. It must just be curiosity, people can be curious and then when they find out what they where looking for they leave you. "Besides," he continued. "There's something special, I know you can feel it too."

It was like he read my mind. I hated what he was doing to me. I've never wanted someone so bad, I wanted to call him mine. He seemed to get me, he seemed to care. God, what's wrong with me I must be crazy.

The waiter came back with his card and I stood up. I slid my jacket back, told him I enjoyed it, and I left. I didn't go back home though. I was on my way when I heard some live music downtown.

I stopped to see a two teenagers with gutair's singing a song. I really supported young bands trying to break through, but I couldn't give them money. They wouldn't even appreciate a few dollars and I needed it to pay for mine and Cara's next meal.

I just stayed and listened to them perform a few more songs. After they where done I told them they played well, and that I was sorry I didn't have money to give them. The bassist insisted it was fine.

"I'm Jaime by the way," he said. "And that's Tony." He pointed to a boy holding a guitar. He had long hair with a tiny little braid by his eye. He wore black skinny jeans and a sleeveless black shirt.

"I'm Addison," I told him.

We had a small conversation then went our separate ways.


Addison's POV

It's been two months since I started seeing Vic, and it was time to tell Cara. I really liked him, and the longer we wait the worse it's going to be.

"Cara," I said sitting down on the couch beside her. She seemed to be in a decent mood.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I need to tell you something. I recently started seeing someone...."

"Cool. Good for you, can I get back to watching tv now?" she said sarcastically.

I frowned and decided to just spit it out. "I'm seeing Vic."

"Vic Fuentes? My ex? He's still in high school, he's 19 you whore!" Her words stung me more then I could ever admit but she has a right to be mad.

"Look, I didn't want too at first but I really like Vic and you made it obvious that you didn't," I said.

"You know what Ads? You think you have it so much harder then me and you think you can go date my ex and make it look like I'm the bad guy? You don't have to get bullied everyday. You just get to steal stuff and not talk to anybody. I'm the one who has to put up with everyone's constant teasing but you're so busy with anything else that I can't even talk to you about it," she said. I saw tears building up in her eyes and I pulled her in for a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry I'm always gone, but you can still talk to me whenever you want."

"Yeah, and I guess you can date Vic if you really like him. It's not like I can stop you anyways," she said.

"Thanks little sis," I told her as I stood up from the couch. "By the way I'm talking to your principal about the bullying."

She groaned. "They don't care Ads."

"Something tells me they'll care when I threaten to sue them for violating the student protection policy," I said, walking into the kitchen. We didn't have a lot of food, so I pulled together a turkey sand which and made another for Cara.

I was just glad to have my sister back.


AN- Sorry for taking so long to update. Happy Holidays and Happy new year and I hope your all having a good winter break if you're still in school.

Thanks for reading the story and getting it to over 9K reads! You're the best.

Also I'm sorry for any mistakes I made twitch grammar or spelling cause I typed it kind of fast.

Byeeee x

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