Time CANT heal all wounds

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"What are you doing in the hospital?" I yell.

"I was upset and I was walking through the parking lot and I wasn't watching where I was going and I got hit by a car." He explains.

"Are you going to be okay?" I ask.

"I broke my left foot but the doctors say I should be fine," he says, I sigh in relief. "I really am sorry." He adds.

"Alex, I don't know. I trusted you and the whole time you never even cared. I wasn't enough for you, you had another girl friend." I say.

"Please, I'm so sorry. It was a stupid mistake and I hate myself for it everyday, and when I get out of the hospital. I have a surprise for you." He says.

"Please tell me you won't kidnap me or anything, I have a bad history of being kidnapped." I say trying to lighten the mood, something I learned from Jaime.

"I promise I won't," he says.

"I don't know..you cheated on me." I say. Throughout my childhood I heard that cheaters were evil and you're supposed to get revenge then never speak to them again, I was however learning, that it was not that simple.

I love him..but he doesn't love me. I can't risk getting my heartbroken. I should quit dating and focus on my music.

"I know. It's the most stupid thing I've ever done and I'm sorry." He says.
"I just need a little time," I say.

"Of course...so umm..like tomorrow maybe?" He asks.

"Alex! I need more than a day." I say.

"Alright. Tooooootally understand." He says.

"Bye Alex." I say.

"Goodbye Violet." He says.

I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Alex called you?" Asks Vic. "What did he want?"

"H-he was in the hospital." I stutter.

"I didn't do it, I swear!!" Says Trix, throwing her hands into the air.

"I know, he was in a car accident." I say.

"So what are you going to do?" Asks dad.

"Just need some time." I say.

He nods and I go into the bathroom and took a shower. I got changed into a Black Veil Brides tank top, black skinny jeans, black vans, and lots of bracelets. I straightened my hair and put on light make up. I brushed my teeth and did my morning routine. I looked in the mirror, somewhat satisfied.

I decided to call one of my old friends, Copeland Quinn. She gave really great guy advice and I could always trust her to keep my secrets.

"Hello?" She said after the third ring.

"Cope? It's Violet." I say.

"Hey V. I just have Kenadee over, what's up?" She says.

"Umm..so you know I recently met a guy. And I think I really loved him..but he didn't love me back. H-he cheated on me Copeland." I say trying not to cry. I've cried to much in these past few days.

"Oh Violet, that's horrible. You say you really loved him?" She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Then take a break..how ever long you need. And if you decide you can't live without him, take him back. And if he does it again, dump him and never look back." She advises.

"Thank you so much Copleland," I say.

"No problem," she says. "And Kenadee says hi." I laugh.

"Hi Kenadee." I say. "Well I got to go, I'll call you later."

"Good luck." She says.

I hang up and go back to my bunk. I have 30 minutes till I have to be at the stage so I might as well head over now.

I walk off the bus and make my way it the stage. I texted Jaime, Trix, Luke, and Austin to meet me there.

I walked onto the stage and noticed a familiar face in the crowd. I told security to bring her up and as they were helping her over the barricade I went to go find Austin.

"Austin!" I called out. "Austin!"

"What?" He asked annoyed.

"Somebody's here to see you." I say evilly.

He followed me to the front of the stage.

"Maddie?" He said.

"Austin!" Squealed Maddie.

"Umm. I have a show to do," he mumbled awkwardly. "Wanna watch?"

She nods and takes her place side stage as I grab the mic off the stand.

"Hello Cincinnati!" I said. "Are you guys ready for this?" The crowd cheered and screamed.

I began to sing and soon found myself lost in the music.

After the concert we did a signing which I must say was...AWESOME!!

People wanted me to sign stuff, they came for me. Not my dad, not Alex, me.

The next person in line was a tall man. Even though it was 90 degrees he was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and kept his head down. He had a strong build and felt familiar.

"Can you sign this?" He asked in a deep voice pushing forward a piece of paper. The voice was familiar, one I've heard before. One that haunts my dreams.

I turned to look at my dad with fear in my eyes.

"It's him." I whispered.

100 sleepless nights (pierce the veil)Where stories live. Discover now