Violets Mom- Part 2

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Addy's POV
When I woke up I was in a hospital, there was a needle in my arm leading to an IV, and a steady beating of a heart monitor beside my bed.

A nurse walked in starring down at a clipboard, "Oh good," she gave a fake smile. "You're awake."
I tried to respond but my throat was scratchy and no words came out. She saw my struggle and handed me a bottle of water, I gulped it down.

"You have a visitor." She stated.

"Who is it?" I croaked.

"Your sister," she said, opening the door and motioning for someone to come in.

Cara appeared in the doorway, her eyes red and puffy and her cheeks stained with tears. She hunched forward, choking back sobs. "I'm sorry," she managed to say between breaths.

"Why?" I asked.

"I should've let you go. I should've done something. You could've died," she cried.

"But I didn't," I assured her. "It's not your fault."

She nodded. The doctor walked in holding yet another clip board and a coffee mug. "Would your sister like to me present as I give the diagnosis?" He gestured to her with the clipboard.

She stood up straight and wiped the tears away. "Yes." She answered.

"Well, we ran an X-Ray and it's nothing serious," he started. "Yet," he added.

"So, she's okay for now?" Asked Cara nervously.

"Not quite," answered the doctor. "She fractured a bone in her knee that will require a brace to keep it straight, and we're looking at a possible case of a minor concussion."

"Not so bad," I replied, I forced a smile to calm down Cara.

I spent the night in the hospital so they could monitor me for brain damage or something, then they slapped a brace on my knee, I signed some papers, and was free to go.

Well I was 17 and technically not allowed to live on my own for another 6 months, and Cara was 15. It was summer so we didn't have to go to school, instead we where both thrown into San Diego's Home For Children, until I turned 18 and rented an apartment for Me and Cara.

I did what I did to get Cara in school and live a normal life, and if that meant stealing credit cards and selling fake gold necklaces, then it was doing just that.
I stole wallets and any cash I could get my hands on here and there, and I ran a phony gold jewelry business off the street.

"Hey! Stop her!" shouted an angry man. I ducked through the alley and jumped over the dumpsters outside of the bar.
I looked back, I could see two large men in black suits chasing after me. I couldn't help but smile, I enjoyed a good chase. My long brown hair was blowing in the wind as I started climbing the fire escape on an old hotel building.
I was wearing a gray hoodie, black jeans, and black combat boots. I was short, about 5'1, yet the two, strong, 6 foot tall men chasing me could not catch up.

I reached the top of the building and looked down. Moron one and two where about half way up the latter. I took a deep breath and ran across the gravel covered roof. I leaped across from one building to another and smiled.
I'm practically batman...except I'm poor.

I opened the roof door and climbed back down into the building. I was in an attic of some sort. I made my way to the lower floor of the building and noticed I was in a music studio. I casually walked down the hall listening to songs play in a distance. It was as if nothing had happened.

"Hey!" Shouted a security guard. "How did you get in here?" I froze for a second as I realized I was being cornered.

"She's with me," called a new voice. I looked to see it was a long haired, brown eyed guy in a flannel shirt. I swallowed.
What is he doing? He showed them the badge around his neck and they hesitantly walked off.

"Thank you," I said after they where out if ear shot.

"What's your name?" He asked. He lead me down the hall and we talked.

"Krystal," I answered.

"Your real name." He said, so he was smart.

I sighed, "Addi, but they call me Violet."

"Why Violet?" He asked, opening up a glass door for me leading into another long hallway.

I shrugged. "Not sure, I think it has something to do with the fact that I operate at night and I'm small, like a flower."

"So what's your name?" I asked. He looked at me, he was short two. Barely taller then me.

"Vic." he answered.

"Well Vic, thank you for saving me back there and all, but I have to get going."

"Wait." He said, stopping me in my tracks. "I don't know why you were here, or how you got in here in the first place, but the security is on to you. Don't come here again."

I nodded and walked out the door into the cool San Diego night air. I walked back to our apartment and saw Cara seated on the couch with her cracked galaxy phone I managed to get her for Christmas.

"You're late." She growled, I had to cook dinner myself."

I was used to her irritable behavior by now, so I just headed into the kitchen to see what she made. I found two empty frozen TV dinner tray left lying on the counter, that was all the food we had left. Guess I'm not eating tonight.
I walked into my room and sat down on the dirty old mattress, and fell asleep.

AN- I'm so sorry for the slow update on part two of violets mom. Anyways, apparently I'm a bad kid. I did some bad stuff and my parents are sending me to private school. I'm leaving behind all my friends, and my best friend. She's the world to me. So if you have any supportive advice, I'd love to hear it because this is not my week.

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