I thought

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Violets POV

Trix came back to the bus dragging Alex behind her. There was no sign of that other girl and I noticed Alex still had all limbs attached. He looked up and instantly words began pouring out of his mouth as if it was rehearsed.

"Violet, I'm so sorry. I love you and care about you and would never do anything to hurt you. It was a big mistake and please you have to take me back. What about the band? Violet, I made a mistake. But whether you take me back or not you have to know two things . I love you and I'm sorry." He pleaded.

"No, there's one more thing I need to know. That you cheated. I wasn't enough for you. Do you have any idea what I went through that night with Danny? I put in everything I had so I could see you again. I think a lot about what you'd do if I never got away. Now I know, you'd be with her. So I hope she makes you happy, because I'm done trying to please you!" I sobbed.

"Okay, I don't know what it's like to be kidnapped, or stab somebody. But I know what it's like to be cheated on, and I know what it's like to be on love. So you might not forgive me, I don't blame you, but don't take it out on the fans, or the rest of the band. I love you Violet, and I'm sorry for putting you through this. I'm Sorry that I'm the one to cause you this pain. I'll leave, but please think about what I said." He says before leaving the bus.

Vic wrapped me in a big hug and began to sing Hold On Till May. I cried for a little while and then went to my bunk. I warped myself In my soft, fuzzy, purple blanket and tried to fall asleep. I knew it wouldn't work though. There was to many thoughts on my mind and so I turned on my iPod and played Bulletproof Love.

I know it's kinda pathetic that I've only been dating Alex for a short while and I'm so heart broken over him, but in that short amount of time I began to love him. And I thought he loved me too. I started to have a knew appreciation for this song. I understood the lyrics now.

My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me.

I hummed along. It was amazing how much the sound of an electric guitar could relax me, Along with the sturdy beat of a drum or maybe a nice long scream. Probably because these are the sounds I grew up with, the sounds I relate too, these sounds that make me happy.

I pulled out my notebook and scribbled out some words.

I thought It was forever

I thought we'd say "I do"

I thought we'd grow old together

I thought you'd make me smile when I was blue

I thought you'd make me happy

Thought we'd never be apart

But never once did I think you'd be the one to break my heart

Put the cap back on my pen and just sat there.

I've learned there are two kinds of heartbreak. The physical one, like with Jason. And the mental one, with Alex. Both hurt a lot. But mental too me, was worse.

With the physical stuff, you fight back until you win. And then it's over, you won.

But with Alex, I can't win. He broke me and I'm just stuck here with all these thoughts.

And the more I thought, the more I realized who's fault this really was.

I should've never trusted him.

I heard muffled voices from the front of the bus.

"What are we going to do? They have to go on tomorrow." It was Vic.

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