A Time of Coming Together

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In the present...

Pang screeched when she saw Noh and flung herself in his arms. Noh laughed and spun her around as Pop greeted the family.

A susurration swept over the arrival gate as people recognized Noh and started pointing and whispering. Noh ignored them and greeted Pop with the bro hug. Ohm stepped up and greeted them both too then waved when he saw Dye walking out of the gate.

Dye grinned and waved back then hurried towards them. He had gone home then decided he didn't want to stay because his parents had way too many events planned. Noh had laughed and Phun had invited him to come because the cabin had room. Dye had shelled out money and booked his flight online as they spoke.

Dye greeted Phun and his sister then they all went in separate vans and went their separate ways... wink wink. Noh's parents were already in his car so they set off to the cabin with Noh driving. The moment he saw Noh behind the wheel, Dye buckled up. Ohm saw him and laughed but he was buckled up tightly too.

"Where's Mick?"

"He couldn't come. His mom has plans so I have to live without him for a week. I wasn't going to come either but I'll be home alone and Noh took pity on me."

"Who is Mick?" Noh's dad asked.

Ohm turned and looked at him with a dangerous smile. "My lover."

"Oh." Was all he said and looked back out the window.

"He's doing the management program at our school so he's currently our temporary manager. It was his hard work on exposure for us that helped us get so many votes for the Battle. He did an outstanding job and booked us way more gigs than we would have normally gotten. He really went above and beyond what needed to be done. By the way, grades or in." Dye said. He was well aware or the shaky relationship between Noh and his father and was always trying to smooth things over when he was there.

The moment Noh saw a clear bit of road his foot went heavy on the gas and the vehicle shot forward and took off. His mother shook her head and looked at her husband. Noh hadn't taken his driving skills very far. He snorted but he didn't look away from the window.

"I checked mine already. Only one B. Ohm did you add that class you need to take?"

"Yes mother and keep your eyes on the road. Shit."

Noh laughed and passed Phun who only shook his head. He had quickly found out, Noh drove like a lunatic when he had an open stretch of road.

"Anyway. I have 2 Bs but I'm ok with that. I never did complete that assignment for Beramin. He wouldn't give me extra time so I did what I could."

"I didn't have that class."

"No. That's why I didn't sign up for that other class that time. I can't handle both Kotch and Bera. Shit! What the fuck is wrong with you? Drive like a normal person!"

"Why? That's boring."

"If the fans could only see this side of you. Stupid fucker. Oh, sorry Aunty."

"Hummm. So if you only have one B, what are your other grades?" She asked.

"A's of course. Your son is a pretty ok student Ma. Don't let past situations fool you."

"Past situations?" She asked innocently. "Whatever do you mean my son?"

Noh snorted and swerved around a minivan with an elderly couple inside. Ohm glanced at them and made a face. He looked at Noh again and shook his head. This guy was going to give him constipation.

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