chapter three: work it out

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Jezebel's POV

For the rest of the day Jace and I were silent. We didn't speak to each other than a few "hi's" and "can you file this for me?". But other than that, we didn't speak. I didn't want to speak either. What happened between Noa and him seemed intense and it made the aura around Jace and I tense.

As I packed up my things Jace was on the phone.

"I'll be home in an hour Melanie, follow what your mother says" Jace said into the phone. "Okay, I love you too" Jace said hanging up the phone.

"Can I head out?" I asked him.

"One minute, come here for second" Jace said. I set my stuff down and walked over to Jace's desk. I stood by it and Jace looked up at me biting his lip for a bit and then releasing it. "Jezebel what's my favorite color?" He asked me.

"Uh...I don't know sir" I said thinking about why he would ask me a question like that.

"What's my favorite food, when is my birthday, what is my family life like?" He asked me. I was confused by his question. "I know you are confused but the point I am trying to make is that we don't know anything about each other. Let's get to know each other" Jace said.

"Okay?" I said as more of a question.

"Sit down" Jace said. I took a seat in the chair and stared at him.

"When is your birthday?" Jace asked me.

"February 19th" I said. "When is yours?" I asked him.

"March 21st" He said. I nodded my head. "What's your favorite color?" He asked me.

"Yellow, what about you?" I asked him.

"Blue" Jace said. "Have any siblings?" He asked.

"I have a sister and a brother. Kaycee who is 15 and my brother Patrick who is 19" I said. "You?" I asked him.

"I have a brother and a sister too" Jace said. "Xander who is 25 and Glory who is 29" Jace said.

(I have to raise the ages so Jace and Jezebel are in their twenties)

"How old are you?" I asked him.

"22" He said. "You?" He asked.

"21" I said.

"Good to know" Jace nodded. "Aren't you still supposed to be in college?" He asked me.

"I started college early" I replied.

"What college did you go to?" He asked me.

"UCLA" I said.

"You came all the way from Cali?" Jace asked me.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to be in New York since I was a little girl" I shrugged.

"Hmm" Jace hummed.

"What college did you go to?" I asked him.

"NYU" Jace said.

THE ASSISTANT- JACE NORMANTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon