chapter five: babysitting adventures

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Jezebel's POV

"You have my cell, and you can just whip up some spaghetti for her and her bedtime is at 8:30. Call me if anything goes wrong" Jace said placing his jacket on and heading for the door.

"Got it" I replied.

"Oh and remember Jezebel, if Noah even steps foot on my property. I have security cameras everywhere. So I will know and you will get in trouble, so I suggest you don't let him come over. You may lose your job" Jace shrugged.

I opened my mouth to speak but Jace cut me off.

"Melanie!" Jace called. The sound of Melanie running down the stairs caught my attention and then she ran and jumped into Jace's arms.

"Are you leaving daddy?" She asked him.

"Yes but I will be back, while I'm gone Jezzy is going to watch you" He said to her. Melanie whipped her head around and her eyes grew wide.

"Jezzy!" She screamed. Jace kissed her cheek and set her on the ground and she ran over to me and jumped into my arms.

"Hi Melly" I said.

"Oh my gosh we're gonna have so much fun!" She squealed. Jace gave me a wink and a stern look at the same time and then left shutting the door behind her.

"What do you want to do first?" I asked her.

"Oh let me go get my dolls and we can play" She said. I set her down on the ground and she ran up the stairs.

I looked around Jace's house and it was huge! It was a huge mansion. He already gave a little tour and let's just say, he is loaded.

My phone buzzed and I saw I had a text from Riley.

How's the bb sitting?

Pretty good so far:) What're you doing?

Watching Scandal and eating hot wings.

I thought you had a date?

I did but Mother Nature decided to be cruel and now I am bleeding from my vagina and questioning if I want to get my uterus removed because these cramps hurt like a bitch. So I rescheduled.

Oh my god hahahahaha.

What time are you coming home?

I'll probably be back late so you don't have to wait up for me.

Wasn't planning on it you know sleep comes before everything else Jez.

Yeah yeah.

"Jezzy!" Melanie said coming down the stairs with a bunch of dolls.

I'll text you back later, duty calls. Love ya!

Bring me back some fast food, love you b.

I shook my head and sat on the ground with Melanie as she showed me which doll I would be.


I had just given Melanie a bath and as I was getting her dressed in her pajamas the doorbell rang.

"I'll be right back Mel" I said to her. She nodded her head and went to go sit on her bed. I walked downstairs and went to the front door. I opened the door and Noah was there.

"Hey Jezebel" Noah smiled.

"Noah you can't be here!" I exclaimed whispering so Melanie couldn't hear us.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Jace said you're not allowed to step foot on his property or else I lose my job and I can't lose this job Noah. I'm sorry but you have to go" I said getting ready to shut the door in his face.

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