Chapter 1 The Beginning

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"GRYFFINDOR!" The Sorting Hat shouted as I felt myself relax.
My goodness had I been scared.

"So what's your name?" a cheeky looking boy asked me.
He was about 3 inches taller than me and had long, dark hair that curled quite voluminously.

"I'm Amberle Raylander." I answered and looked into the brown eyes that sparkled with a sort of mischief.

He nodded his head towards me and said "I'm Sirius Black."
"A Black,in this House?" I asked in bewilderment.
Has there ever been a Black in Gryffindor? I doubted it.
"Yep, Gryffindor and proud" Sirius said as he grinned at me.
"First in my family,they'll be pleased." he threw his head back laughing loudly.
Everyone knew about the Blacks and their Pureblood status, my family did not have the same view on those things, as I far as I know.
A head popped up from behind him and I heard him laugh.
He had black hair that looked like the wind had blown through it.He had glasses on, but without a doubt the same mischievous look on his face that Sirius wore proudly.
"I'm James Potter." He informed me and grinned at me.
"So glad I got into Gryffindor, wouldn't have liked being in the Snake Pit over there." he pointed towards the Slytherins and made Sirius laugh.
Even though I wasn't especially fond of the Slytherins,there was no need to make fun of them on the first day.
A slight frown appeared on my face as Sirius caught my eye and stopped laughing.
"It's just a little laugh ,no need to get offended." he smiled warmly at me.
My eye got caught on a fiery red head.
She smiled at me and said through the crowds of excited students surrounding us
"Hello, I'm Lily Evans, nice to meet you."
"Hey, I'm Amberle Raylander, nice to meet you too." I beamed at her.
"Marlene McKinnon, lovely to meet you." An outstrechted hand came out from nowhere and behind Lily appeared a blonde girl.
"Wonderful to meet you too." I said and shook her hand.
"Hi, I'm Mary McDonald, my goodness you're pretty." she told me in awe as I blushed.
"Why thank you." I said as I looked down.

My family always said that I was quite beautiful, but I'd never really thought about it.
As the crowds of students started settling down by their House, I looked around in awe.
I finally took in everything around me; the floating candles just above our heads that looked like a flame stretching across the Great Hall.
I had never seen a place more beautiful; from the long, dark wood tables to the grand Headmasters seat.
As I looked around, a new kind of warmth spread through me.
One I had never quite felt at home, where everything was rather gloomy in comparison to Hogwarts.
I knew then that I had truly found somewhere to belong.
The first time in my life I truly felt at home.

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard Professor Dumbledore say: „Let the feast BEGIN" and wave his hands for the feast that was yet to be spotted.
This should not have surprised me, as it was Hogwarts after all, but once again that day I was astonished.
The food appeared in front of eyes out of thin air and it was beautiful.
I personally never would have called food beautiful, but there was no other word for it.
The massive piles of chicken legs, pastries and vegetables was astounding.
Screams of delight could be heard from all over the hall, Gryffindor included.
This day was by far the best day of my life.
I had made new friends and had probably eaten more than in the last year altogether!
But most importantly, I had finally fulfilled my dream of going to Hogwarts.
Pleased with myself, I eyed the salad curiously.
This looks delicious, let's just try a bit, I shouldn't get ahead of myself...


Hi there, yes you behind the screen!
This is my first fanfiction, I hope you've liked the first chapter.

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