Ch. 37 A fantastic drowse

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It's the fantastic drowse

Of the afternoon Sundays

That bored you to rages of tears
The unending pleadings


I was a bit overwhelmed. What a day. Sirius loves me, and I'm going places. With Mary and god knows who to god knows where. Aparently.  Pretty straight forward. I was now at my last class of the day: Ancient Ruines. It was actually interesting this time, believe it or not. Sirius definitely did not share my enthusiasm and showed me. Every minute. At the end I'd had enough, so when the lesson ended, I told him to shove offend he just answered "How should I fuck off, o Lord.". I threatened to jinx him and that made him back off. "You shall see, Amberle Raylander, you'll be begging for my presence one day." "In your dreams." Suddenly, he picked me up and spun me around, making me scream and laugh. "Put me down!" "No." he pouted when I called him a child. "Only if you give me kiss." I was getting dizzy from all the spinning. "Alright alright, fine." He put me down in the middle of the corridor and I saw the torches along the wall. I looked up at Sirius and kissed him, hard. I then left him standing there, regaining his breath. His hair was disshelved and he was frozen on the spot, lips pink from where I'd kissed him. I kept that picture in my mind, oh how much would happen before I'd see him like this again. 


"Ya ready for an adventure?" Mary tugged on my sleeve and I wasn't sure to be honest. When I told her she just laughed "It'll be a good laugh." "Alright,ok,drag me along." I bit my lip and she got me up off the sofa in the common room. The fire was crackling in front of us and the common room was quiet on a night like this. Our friends didn't know about the adventure. I honestly hadn't really taken it seriously at the time I was asked if I wanted to participate. I was reading up on an ancient Charm when Mary came up to me. I hadn't had the time to say goodbye to anyone, Lily was off with James and Sirius, well Sirius was probably off with Remus and Peter to have another blast out of a prank. That got the bang out of them, even though I told Sirius to calm it down. So here I was, alone in the common room, quite content with the easy evening I'd had planned out for myself. 

"This'll be mad brilliant, let's go." "Mary was dragging me through the common and I put on the jacket she had tossed me. 

We're going outside.

"So, where exactly are we headed?" I was curious to say the least. Imagine someone sweeping you off and out of your cozy spot in front of the fire and dragging you off into the night? Down corridors and along stairs we went, passed statues and through heavy oak doors. We went down many steps, going down further and further, eventually passing all rooms I recognised, now going down into the abyss that is the Hogwarts Dungeons. 

It smells. It stinks. It's rotting. It's seeping though the walls. It's dripping from the walls like blood dripping from my nose.

I have been down the dungeons, and these corridors do not look like the ones that lead to the Potions Classroom nor to the Slytherin dorms. These corridors, stairs which lead even further down look wretched. It felt cold and a draft passed though my body and soul. Something stinks, and not just the vapour floating from the walls. I was nervous by now and wanted to turn back, tugging at Mary and telling her to turn back. "Don't worry, it'll be beautiful." she didn't even bother to look back at me and just had this drowsy smile on her. She was hardly listening, just had her eyes fixed on the corridors in front of us, which seemed like an endless labyrinth. 

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