Ch. 13 Found Out

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"Don't stare that much, you're drooling." I hear a whisper near my left side. Lily. "It's becoming creepy if you ask me." Alice put another book on the table as she looked at me. "I'm not staring!" I whisper shouted annoyed and rolled my eyes. Urgh. They were really getting on my nerves today. "Of course, sure, that's why the back of his head was the most interesting thing yesterday in DADA, even though we learned a new defensive spell. Mary. "You could just walk up to him, you know. That's what I'd do." Marlene. Oh the ever so confident Marlene. "I might actually do it if you guys don't shut up soon." I said as I gathered my books and got out my parchment. The library wasn't very busy, although there was still a buzzing sound when you turned around. The dark walls were cut off by enormous, fairy tale like book shelves that contained everything there was to know about anything and everything. I loved the library. I usually come here to study with Remus or Lily; sometimes both. They were great company as one could study very well with them, seeing as they were quite and smart people, not annoying or rude. But I was, to say the least, not fond of Lily today, nor Alice, Mary or Marlene. Apparently, I was constantly staring at bad boy and woman charmer Sirius Black, who had gone out of his way to not communicate with me at all.
I'd had quite enough of this nonsense; we weren't on good terms, after the letter from Leslie and the hair incident. I might actually follow Marlene's advice and go look for the mischief maker and give him a piece of my mind. But, recently, with the Marauders, my life has turned very eventful, so I might give it all a rest.


"I just heard from Scout that Thomas asked Margaret to the ball! How exciting is that? " Mary shared excitedly as we climbed another flight of stairs and pasted a landing. We'd just dropped off our heavy books from the library in the common room and were now making our way to dinner. The pile of books had grown profoundly when we left the library. Of course, the number one topic everyone was talking about was the upcoming Ball. Now it was the time for asking out and it felt like every two hours or so someone was asked out. It was growing annoyed, as there were too many rumours floating around that eventually did or did not come true.
Lily had been asked by James a thousand times - and a thousand times he's been rejected. Of course we knew that they were practically made for each other, but oh no! Lily Evans was not having any of it. Of course, it was still a big wish for the nagging to finally stop and the declarations of love to begin.
Marlene has had a few, no, sorry, a lot, of asks to the dance but has rejected them all. She was probably waiting for Thomas. He was going to ask her soon, I was sure of that. The whole school knows they're flirting with each other, and my we're just waiting for that buzzing evening where Marlene bursts in and tells us that she got a date.
Frank Longbottom was of course Alice's man for the evening; we all knew that. Alice is slightly shy about it but I can tell on the look on her face whenever she "goes for a stroll and maybe meets Frank" that they're genuinely happy. The one and only time so far that I've seen them both they were the cutest together. It sounds soppy, but they are truly meant to be.
Now, Mary is a bit difficult. I've noticed a bit of a thing going on between her and Remus, but I'm not really sure where it's going. It might just be friendship, but I'm pretty sure it's something heading into the romantic scene. But all Mary said was : "I'm single and happy" so it might just be platonic between my two best friends.
As for me, I'm booking Lily and Mary (if Remus  and James don't get there first) as my partners for the evening. Seeing as I got my hopes up with Sirius just for them to be crushed again, I am going with my fun pack of friends. My slim hope of Sirius, my long time crush, have slimmed down drastically after our little parting. Not that my hopes had ever been very high. He had girls all over Hogwarts clawing at his feet.


"Hey, are you alright?" I heard the friendly voice of Remus Lupin next to me.

I must have dazed off.

The presence beside me looked at me, a little bit concerned. I shook myself out of my daze and turned to the rather handsome, dark blonde haired wizard next to me. "I'm excellent, why are you asking?" I smiled up at the tall Gryffindor. "Just curious. After what happened in Detention those weeks ago..." he trailed off. I noticed that, even though he had a few scars across his face, he stilled looked quite nice.

Now I know why Mary (probably) fancies him.

But suddenly, I remember the time I couldn't move a muscle. The time I was escorted by Sirius Black himself into the Hospital Wing only to wake up two days later just barely being able to croak my name out.
Even though I pushed my fears and memories of that day to the very back of my head, it was difficult to be reminded of it. I swallowed hard before looking at him. "It's kind hard to bring that back up, but no, that's not at all why I zoned out for a bit. I'm just bloody tired." I said as I put my head in my hands. I heard Remus laugh loudly next to me, clearly amused. "Is that all that's bothering you? Are you sure it's not something else? or someone else?" I froze on the spot, shocked.

Does he know? How?

"Before you begin asking me, yes, I know all about you're cute crush on my mate Padfoot." I could already feel his friendly smirk at the back of my head, cutting into me as I turned to him, very perplexed and shocked. His smirk was confirmed and I said what was on my mind: "You do?...... Who told you?"
"Oh, ...y'know... I hear things here and there. I've got eyes and ears everywhere." He said pulling a face, lightening my mood slightly."No, but honestly, I overheard a conversation between Mary and Lily and confronted them about it."


So.... have you told anyone?.... I don't think you would, but just to-" " Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." He winked.
I let out a relieved huff as I glance at Remus as I put my head in my hands again. "How long have you fancied him?" He asked. "Probably about.... a year or two.." I trail off and look at a surprised Remus sheepishly. "My.... for that long? You must really have the kicks for him then." I chuckled embarrassed. "Weren't you friendly with Jon Reed a few months back?" again he made me laugh "Yes, but we were, and still are, if you can believe it, still only friendly." He smiled at me as I heard footsteps coming our way.
"Hello." Lily sighed as she stuffed her hands into her robes and sat down next to us. "So, what are you guys chatting about?" "Oh.... just the usual.... Amberle having a tiny crush on Sirius...." Remus teased as Lily froze, shocked. "Amberle....I'm really sorry....honestly.....Remus just sorta came up to us.....I swear on Merlins Grave, I wasn't going to tell but-" at that point I couldn't hold back my laughter. Hearing a light laugh next to me, neither could Remus. "Don't worry, it's alright, Remus has told me how he found out." "Oh. Right. Ok. Well then. That's settled." Lily rearranged herself next to me. "You were bound to find out eventually." I crossed my legs and nodded my head in Remus' direction."I'm surprised you didn't find out earlier." "I'm rather surprised myself. Should've found out earlier. Could've told Sirius earlier...." I caught on quickly.

Oh no, Sirius can not find out.

"No, please don't tell him....I ca-" Remus, seeing my devastated face, laughed. "Don't worry, I was only teasing."

Thank bloody goodness.

"Don't ever do that again, do you understand? You scared the life out of me." Remus laughed. "I won't do it again." He glanced at Lily as his lips pressed into a thin line. Then, all of a sudden, from both sides of me, came roaring laughter. "This is not funny."
"It definitely is."gasped Remus in between laughter. "Sorry, but you're face was just too much." Lily joined in. Soon enough I started to bubble with laughter too, just by the sound of these two idiots beside me.


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