Being a Green Martian and dating Alex would include

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- You first met Alex when she joined the DEO

- J'onn put you in charge of training her

- You liked her but never acted on your feelings because no one could know you and J'onn were Green Martians

- Years later when the secret finally comes out you told Alex how you've felt about her all this time

- She tells you she feels the same and you start seeing each other

- J'onn and Kara couldn't be happier for you two

- Telling Alex all about Mars

- She loves hearing stories about your childhood

- You use your telepathic powers to show her visions from mars

- Alex taking you back to Midvale to see where she grew up

- And to meet her mom

- Eliza was a bit surprised to find out Alex was dating an alien

- But she approved of you

- Sneaking Alex into the armory to check out the newest DEO weapons that haven't been field tested yet

- J'onn pretends like he doesn't know

- Alex never ceases to amaze you

- Especially on missions when she pulls something off that's completely unexpected but totally badass

- Alex doesn't stop worrying about you when you, J'onn and Kara go to Mars to help out M'gann and the other rebels

- She wishes she could be there fighting by your side

- Dates at the dive bar

- Making bets over pool

- You do your best to keep up with human customs but Alex ends up having to explain a lot of things to you

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