Boba x jango

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Yoitsme108: What has this world come to? *gets in the bath with a light saber*

Ben solo: *takes his light saber away from me before I try anything* suicide is never the answer!!!!

Boba: holy galactic empire! He is my dad.

Yoitsme108: I know, I'm sorry. It's what the sick minds want. This is honestly worse then Luke x leia.

Jango: who the heck are luke and leia?

Yoitsme108: oh they don't exist yet. Anakin and padmè haven't made them I don't think.

Jango: you mean the Jedi and the senator?

Yoitsme108: bruh, Just trust me. It makes for a really good story line.

Boba: dad, what is she talking about?

Jango: I don't know. Nothing she is saying is making sense. Talking about my son and I and that Jedi and senator having kids. She is crazy!

Boba: dad I love you like a dad

Jango: as you should my son.

Yoitsme108: awwwwwwwwwwww father and son time. That's goals.

Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10 So frikin nasty
Bobas rating: 0/10
Jangos rating: -1/10


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