Revan x Bastila

310 5 12

Thanks for the Yeeto Cheeto request. 123shanno

Reavan: you

(Insert intense anime sequence)

Yoitsme108: me.

(Anime sequence of intenseness ends)

Yoitsme108: doesn't that picture above ^^^^ remind you of my cryptic childhood?

Bastila: I'm still confused when you say that.

Yoitsme108: C R Y P T I C C H I L D H O O D ! !

Revan: just because you shout it, does not mean she will now know what you're talking about. What are you talking about?

Yoitsme108: nobody knows.

Revan: yeah I don't like you.

Yoitsme108: ok.

Bastila: I think I understand ships now, or whatever your version of a ship is. I like this one.

Revan: *phat smile at Bastila*


Revan: I still don't like you.

Yoitsme108: it's okay. I get that all the time.

Bastila: be nice. She's trying.

Revan: ok, of course. *secretly thinks he is not going to change*

Yoitsme108: this is refreshing, a ship working out. It's rare.

Revan: that's because you're always shipping things that don't belong.

Yoitsme108: I am a master shipper, if I say it works, it works!

Bastila: She was right about us.

Revan: she doesn't even know us.

Yoitsme108: I don't know Keanu Reeves, but I still dream about him.

Revan: your logic is so flawed, and I don't even know who that is.

Yoitsme108: He is unfortunately not in the Star Wars universe.

Revan: what are you talking about?

Yoitsme108: I don't know.

Bastila: 10/10
Revan: 10/10
Yoitsme108: 20/10


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