Vader x Chelli Lona Aphra

790 13 17

Suggested by freedomgirl321 . Suggestions are things I love so thank you❤️

Yoitsme108: I have one question for the people that ship this...... y?

Chelli: I'm with Sidious on this one. He's a pasty white boy under that suit and he would die if it was off. Ya kno?

Vader: ........

Yoitsme108: What was that Vader????

Vader: Nothing, I didn't say anything.

Yoitsme108: I'm still mad at you for trying to choke me earlier.

Vader: it's b cause you were shipping me with my own son.

Yoitsme108: I SAID THAT I DIDNT SHIP THAT NONSENSE! and Padmè just got shipped with Luke too, so you ain't the only one.

Vader: P-Padmè... *cries under mask* how dare you mention her Yoitsme108!

Chelli: See? Another reason we could never work out. He is too emotional.

Yoitsme108: you're right. Be quiet Vader, or you're gonna get a chapter with Jar Jar.

Vader: don't make me choke you again.

Yoitsme108: of course!

Chelli: this book is fun.

Yoitsme108: yes it is. Just wait until you're here for a while.

Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10
Vader's rating: 0/10
Chellis rating: 0/10


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