L3 x Lando

183 7 12

! Thanks for helping me torture Lando Baby-Xenomorph great request.

Yoitsme108: two of my dads in the picture above.

Lando: just stop.

Yoitsme108: Donald.

Lando: Stop.

Yoitsme108: Adam.

Lando: enough.

Yoitsme108: never.

Lando: *face palm*

Yoitsme108: ON WITH THE SHIP!

Lando: how did someone even come up with this?

Yoitsme108: because you're in love with L3. You just won't admit it.

Lando: says who?

Yoitsme108: L3.

Lando: how would that work?

Yoitsme108: it works.

Lando: how?

L3: it just does, Lando. Enough of the questions.

Yoitsme108: Yeah. Enough of the questions.

Lando: I already get annoyed by you and L3 separately. This isn't fair.

Yoitsme108: life isn't fair.

L3: neither is the way droids are treated.

Yoitsme108: L3. I support you all the way, but damn. Give it a rest girl.

L3:give it a rest?! Give it a rest?! Are you just gonna walk up to the entire rebellion and say 'GIVE IT A REST PEOPLE, STOP FIGHTING AND PROTECTING YOUR LOVED ONES!' We must protect what we believe

Lando: oh maker. *face palms*

Yoitsme108: you have got a point. Carry on.

L3: thank you.

Yoitsme108: *bows*

Lando: you two are ridiculous.

Yoitsme108: oh man L3. We better stop. Lando hates happiness.

L3: hey I'm Lando. Oh my! Is that my droid laughing and having a good time! I must destroy it.

Yoitsme108: *dies from laughter*

Lando: not fair. What did I do? *looks up to the sky* what did I do wrong? I don't deserve this.

L3: come now Lando. I'm bored.

Yoitsme108: yes. Go with your metal lover.

Lando: I hate you both.

Lando rating: 0/10
L3 rating: 5/10
Yoitsme108 rating: 10/10


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