Boba x Vader

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Yoitsme108: there boba, now stop being such a baby!

Boba: *face palms* this is just as bad!

Yoitsme108: why?

Boba: I am his bounty hunter! I said a good ship! A good one!!!!!

Darth Vader: at least you weren't shipped with sidious.

Boba: don't give her ideas! *turns to Yoitsme108*
Wait? What are you doing?!

Yoitsme108: *puts device behind back* not putting you and sidious in the table of contents for this book.

Darth Vader: hahaha

Boba: this is a nightmare!

Darth Vader: *puts hand on Yoitsme108s shoulder* haha!

Yoitsme108: hahah *coughs and chokes* v-Vader stop. I have to keep writing this book. I can't if I'm dead.

Darth Vader: *continues to force choke* hahah funny ship

Yoitsme108: *dies*

Yoitsme108 rating: 7/10
Bobas rating: 0/10
Darth Vader: 0/10

Oh? Three chapters in one day??? -yoitsme108 🤓😘

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