Phasma x Kylo Ren

729 13 10

suggested by Real_Luke_Skywalker . Thanks friend!

Yoitsme108: Umm I'm a sucker for kylux and darkpilot. Buuut. I can see this happening..

Kylo Ren: I cant.

Phasma: neither can I.

Yoitsme108: ugh! Can you guys participate for once?!

Phasma: no. I will not play your games.

Yoitsme108: What do you think of Kylo Ren?

Phasma: I think he is a cry baby that smashes computers and whines about everything.

Kylo Ren: I don't whine about every thing!

Phasma: that's not what the general tells me.

Kylo Ren: well that short little ginger should keep his mouth shut.

Yoitsme108: well dang. Kylo, what do you think of Phasma?

Kylo Ren: I wouldn't ever go with a woman taller then I am.

Phasma: you wouldn't be able to handle me anyway.

Yoitsme108: Wow Okay. You guys really don't like each other.

Kylo Ren and Phasma: *face palm*

Kylo Rens rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 5/10
Phasmas rating: 0/10


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