Galen x Jyn

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Yoitsme108: oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez. Truly sorry Jyn. Truly sorry. You can thank Baby-Xenomorph for this. SIIICCKKKK

Galen: then why do it? Can't we just skip it?

Yoitsme108: no, we must finish.

Galen: you didn't make Han and Ben do there's.

Yoitsme108: ugh, would everyone be quiet about that?! That was a disturbing ship!

Jyn: this one is the same thing!

Yoitsme108: Yeah, But I love Ben.

Jyn: ouch.

Galen: this is getting old.

Yoitsme108: oh you crybaby, you have done like two.

Jyn: Yeah, I feel bad for Hux and Luke and the rest of those poor souls.

Yoitsme108: they like it. ❤️

Galen: mmhhhmmm. I'm sure they do......... not.

Yoitsme108: you guys just don't know how to have fun.

Jyn: watching others suffer is not how you have fun.

Yoitsme108: it's not?

Galen: how are you even? Never mind.

Yoitsme108: what! Say it.

Galen: nothing never mind.

Yoitsme108: fine didn't wanna hear it anyway.

Jyn: sure.

Jyn rating: 0/10
Galen's rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10


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