L3 x C-3PO

186 8 27

Thanks for the request Chica_Is_Awesome1

3PO: this is most unpleasing. I don't need another-


3PO: oh my. What?

Yoitsme108: I always speak first. What's your problem.

3PO: well one problem is the fact that you're always interrupting me. The other one is this ship.

Yoitsme108: shutup! This is my newest OTP

3PO: oh my.

L3: what am I doing here?

Yoitsme108: well. This droid here. *picks up 3PO with the force and sets him very closely in front of L3* has a giant Death Star sized crush on you.

3PO: What?! I do n-

L3: he does?!

Yoitsme108: yes. He loves you.

L3: well..... *robot blushes*

Yoitsme108: awww, you two are meant for each other!!

3PO: that wouldn't make sense! Droids don't need a partner! I don't know how many times I have to tell you this! Droid don't need-

L3: to live in fear of humans! Droids have just as much of a right to love as humans and other species do! Join in my ways and the saying 'there kind is not accepted here' will be erased!

3PO: while that does sound nice. It also sounds extremely unrealistic.

L3: I will convince you otherwise my blind friend.

3PO: *shakin head*

Yoitsme108 rating: 20million/10
C-3PO rating: 0/10
L3 rating: 10/10 I can love if I want!


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