Karina x Hera

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Suggested by starwarsfan20 thanks! 🙏🏻😇

Yoitsme108: ummm. Y? She's crying in that picture for a reason. I feel.

Hera: ............

Karina: well hey there.

Yoitsme108: oh gosh no. You're so creepy.

Karina: don't be mean to me.

Yoitsme108: this is me being nice.

Hera: yeahhhhhh, I don't know if I like this very much.

Yoitsme108: gonna be a no for me dog.

Karina: why?

Yoitsme108: I dunno, have you been near any reflective surfaces lately?

Hera: *slaps Yoitsme108s shoulder* that's mean.

Yoitsme108: it's true!

Karina: to answer your question, no, I have not been around any reflective surface. What are you trying to say?

Yoitsme108: I'm saying-

Hera:*covers Yoitsme108s mouth* she is saying that.... you know what, she's crazy.

Yoitsme108: Yeah. I'm crazy.

Karina: count me in on more of these ship things. I wanna see who else I can get.

Yoitsme108: NO!

Karina: why?

Yoitsme108: just cuz....

Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10
Karinas rating: 5/10
Heras rating: 0/10


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