Poe x all❤️🖤

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❤️I literally can't with himmmmmmmmm❤️
Requested by Chica_Is_Awesome1 Thanks broseph.

Yoitsme108: ugh, this is literally going to be so fun!!!

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Yoitsme108: ugh, this is literally going to be so fun!!!

Poe: Yeah, I'm sure it will.

Kylo Ren: Hey.

Yoitsme108: *uncontrollable laughing, screeching, and crying.* DARKPILOT!!!!!! I can't! I can't!!! Number one otp in the whole forcing galaxy!!!!

Poe: Calm down.

Kylo Ren: Yeah, that's way too much.

Finn: is it safe to speak?

Yoitsme108: *falls down on floor with smile* I love stormpilot!!!

Finn: Yeah, I'm sure you do.

Rey: ok hi.

Yoitsme108: *dies all over again!* Reypoe is my shizzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!! I can't right now! I can't even!

Rey: ok, take it down one million notches.

Yoitsme108: I can't.

Hux: I already want to leave.

Yoitsme108: OH  MAKER! I FREKIN LOVE GINGERPILOT! I know it doesn't make sense, but that will never stop me.

Hux: I'm going to kill you for good one day.

Yoitsme108: haha. You will try.

Leia: hey everyone.

Yoitsme108: hey Leia.

Rey: oh so you're not gonna freak out on Leia? But you did us?

Yoitsme108: that's because I ship y'all with Poe. I only ship Poe and Leia in a son and mother thing.

Leia: well, I'm very grateful she didn't flip out... so please be quiet Rey.

Rey: yes ma'm

Poe: the only ship in here that would make sense is me and Finn or me and Rey.

Finn: nope.

Yoitsme108: shut up!!! You know you want Ben Solo!!!

Poe: where did you even?  No.

Yoitsme108: if somebody put a gun to my head and was like 'deny darkpilot' then... I would have to die for my otp.

Kylo Ren: you would die just so you can continue shipping Poe and I?

Yoitsme108: you make it sound like it's a bad thing.

Hux: that's just stupid.

Yoitsme108: I would die for you too Hux.

Hux: please do.

Yoitsme108: ok I guess.

Finn: stop! You're so... just stop. Don't die.

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