Rose x Rey

773 21 30

Yoitsme108: honestly why? Y?!

Rose: I like Finn.

Yoitsme108: don't we all?

Rose: I swear you are too obsessed with boys.

Yoitsme108: it's called being a fangirl. I'm sure you could pull it off, you're cringey enough.

Rose: that's rude.

Yoitsme108:*mocking rose* that's rude.

Rose: *tasers yoitsme108*

Rey: stop! You're acting like children!

Yoitsme108: but I am a child. I'm the age of sixteen.

Rey: well stop acting like it!

Yoitsme108: well Rose is way older and she acting like a lil hoe.

Rey: *holds back rage* both of You now.

Rose: aren't we suppose to be reacting to the ship?

Rey: sorry rose but it's a no.

Rose: hmph. Not like I wanted u anyway...

Yoitsme108: I sense some salt.

Rose and Rey: shut up!

Rose rating 1/10 shh don't tell
Rey's rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108 rating: -10/10 ewie


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