Boba x Sidious

304 12 21

Yoitsme108: I told boba I would do this, I just never got around to it.

Boba: this, this doesn't even make sense!

Yoitsme108: does anything make sense? We're all just a bunch of imperfect beings trying to make sense of things. Nothing makes sense.

Boba: stop with your paradox talk.

Sidious: I like paradox talk.

Yoitsme108: Yeah, we know you do.

Sidious: it's easy to trick people.

Yoitsme108: @Anakin

Boba: that's just rude.

Yoitsme108: it's true.

Boba: also, I never remember you saying you would do this ship. You're just giving yourself an excuse to be weird.

Yoitsme108: Yeah, while that sounds like a lot of fun....

Yoitsme108: Yeah, while that sounds like a lot of fun

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Boba: pure evil.

Sidious: did I hear pure evil?

Yoitsme108: I'll never join you!

Sidious: sheesh, calm down about it.

Boba: she can't calm down.

Yoitsme108: I'm calm when I'm sleeping.

Boba: so are you never calm?

Yoitsme108: pretty much. But that's okay.

Boba: no it's not.

Boba rating: 0/10
Sidious rating: -66/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10


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