ARISTOTLE'S WAY (Akashi x Kuroko)

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Akashi yawned and stretched his arms. "I don't want to study anymore, Tetsuya. I know everything about that anyway!"

"Sssh! Don't shout, Akashi," Tetsuya scolded him in a low tone. "We're at the library, you know."

Akashi's brow arched and leaned on his chair. "Yeah, right. We're in the part of the library where no one usually goes so they won't hear us even if we yell our hearts out." They are on a messy table between two shelves of books in the furthermost part of the library. Tetsuya led him here.

"You're exaggerating. Anyway, we went all the way here to study so we had better not waste our time. Exams are coming and we can't afford to fail it, otherwise we cannot join the upcoming basketball tournament." Tetsuya flipped the pages of the book in front of him and casually scanned it.

"Tch. As if I don't know. I'm the captain, Tetsuya."

He smiled. "Right."

What a wonderful smile. He wanted to be the only one to see it.

Akashi reached for a thick book across the table and opened it. He's However, instead of letters, dusts welcomed him that made him sneeze. "Achoo! What the hell-- Why did you get this book? It's awfully old and dusty and Achoo!" He covered his nose with his handkerchief.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tetsuya asked him. "I need that book particularly and it can be found here. That's why I decided for us to sit in this part of the library."

"Tch. How troublesome."

He browsed the book silently.

Psychology 101

The Three Greatest Philosophers

by Alexis

"Hey, Akashi, can you give me some more examples of phenomena with friction?"

"Huh?" He was absorbed with what he is reading. "What is friction anyway?"

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle...

They taught their students in Ancient Greece differently, each has their own styles...

"It says here that friction is force resisting the relative motion of usually solid surfaces sliding against each other. When surfaces in contact move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into heat and may induce fire," Tetsuya explained.

Aristotle believed in "learning by experience". He once said, "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them".

"Can you give me a more realistic example of friction? The one who is common to a person's everyday life?"

Akashi looked up at Tetsuya and gazed at him. 'Learning by experience', according to Aristotle is more effective than the usual way of acquiring knowledge and expertise...

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